(2022-01-17) Version 1.3
- Fixed an issue with how the CHANNEL directory is created using the supplied CLI argument, which may not match with the name provided by Twitch. - Thanks to MambaBoyy for bringing this to my attention.
- If database access fails when trying to write VOD_INFO, a new file named '.vodinfo' will be created containing this information. This is very important if a VOD is deleted as the data may no longer be available.
- Fixed an issue if the script was run too soon after a channel goes live.
- Fixed an issue with the SendPushbullet function, where some calls were missing required information.
- Fixed an issue with where temporary files were stored on Windows.
- Fixed an issue with the vod duration not being properly updated for live downloads.
- Removed possible race condition with lock files.
- Fixed VOD download loop breaking at the wrong time.
- Fixed the VOD verification length which was using the original VOD length rather than currently downloaded length.
- Fixed an issue where a VOD would be processed twice if multiple instances of TVA run in parallel.
- Other minor changes and formatting adjustments.