github BranchMetrics/ios-branch-deep-linking-attribution 0.23.1
Release 0.23.1

latest releases: 3.4.3, 3.4.2, 3.4.1...
6 years ago
  • v0.23.1

    • Master Release - March 6, 2018
    • Removed test features.
    • Added more URL black list tests.
    • Added more analyzer checks.
  • v0.23.0

    • Added URL Black List for sensitive URLs (DEVEX-164).

      Set this property to prevent URLs with sensitive content such as oauth tokens,
      passwords, login data, and other data from being transmitted to Branch.

      The Branch SDK already ignores login URLs for Facebook, Twitter, Google, and most oauth
      security URLs, so it's usually unnecessary to set this parameter yourself.

      Set this parameter with any additional URLs that should be ignored by Branch.

    • Added an SDK integration validator.

      Use the SDK integration validator to check that you've added the Branch SDK and handle
      deep links correctly when you first integrate Branch into your app.

      To check your integration, add the line:

      [[Branch getInstance] validateSDKIntegration];

      in your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method in your app delegate. Then run your
      app and follow the instructions.

      This is for testing in development only! Make sure you remove or comment out this line of code in
      your release versions.

      See SDK Integration Validator for more information.

    • Added a Deeplink Routing Validator

      Append validate=true to your Branch links to test and verify if they route the user
      to the correct content.

      See Deeplink Validator for more information.

    • Updated TestBed-Swift icons to differentiate it from the other test apps.

    • Updated PodSpec for new CocoaPod static frameworks flag (GH-782).

    • Added Crashlytics to TestBed-Swift (DEVEX-114).

    • Robustly read identity_id as a string to prevent a crash (GH-783).

    • Transmit app install/update dates to server for app install/open attribution (DEVEX-58).

    • Create the Branch directory in a more thread safe way (INTENG-4097).

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