github BoyceLig/Clash_Chinese_Patch 0.19.4(补充翻译)
Clash for Windows v0.19.4(补充翻译) 汉化补丁

latest releases: 0.20.39, 0.20.38, 0.20.37...
2 years ago


Clash for Windows\resources\app.asar


"The height of the horizontal scrollbar."="水平滚动条的高度。"
"Controls whether clicks scroll by page or jump to click position."="控制点击是按页滚动还是跳转到点击位置。"
"Controls the number of extra characters beyond which the editor will scroll horizontally."="控制编辑器将水平滚动超出的额外字符数。"
"Controls whether the editor will scroll beyond the last line."="控制编辑器是否滚动到最后一行之外。"
"Scroll only along the predominant axis when scrolling both vertically and horizontally at the same time. Prevents horizontal drift when scrolling vertically on a trackpad."="同时垂直和水平滚动时,仅沿主轴滚动。在触控板上垂直滚动时防止水平漂移。"
"Controls whether the Linux primary clipboard should be supported."="控制是否应支持 Linux 主剪贴板。"
"Controls whether the editor should highlight matches similar to the selection."="控制编辑器是否应突出显示与选择相似的匹配项。"
"Always show the folding controls."="始终显示折叠控件。"
"Only show the folding controls when the mouse is over the gutter."="仅当鼠标位于装订线上方时才显示折叠控件。"
"Controls when the folding controls on the gutter are shown."="控制何时显示装订线上的折叠控件。"
"Controls fading out of unused code."="控制淡出未使用的代码。"
"Controls strikethrough deprecated variables."="控制删除线已弃用的变量。"
"Enables the inlay hints in the editor."="在编辑器中启用镶嵌提示。"
"Controls font size of inlay hints in the editor. A default of 90% of `="控制编辑器中镶嵌提示的字体大小。默认为 90% `
` is used when the configured value is less than `5` or greater than the editor font size."=` 当配置值小于“5”或大于编辑器字体大小时使用。"
"Controls font family of inlay hints in the editor. When set to empty, the `="控制编辑器中镶嵌提示的字体系列。当设置为空时, `
"Show snippet suggestions on top of other suggestions."="在其他建议之上显示片段建议。"
"Show snippet suggestions below other suggestions."="在其他建议下方显示片段建议。"
"Show snippets suggestions with other suggestions."="显示片段建议和其他建议。"
"Do not show snippet suggestions."="不显示片段建议。"
"Controls whether snippets are shown with other suggestions and how they are sorted."="控制片段是否与其他建议一起显示以及它们的排序方式。"
"Whether leading and trailing whitespace should always be selected."="是否应始终选择前导和尾随空格。"
"Controls whether the editor will scroll using an animation."="控制编辑器是否使用动画滚动。"
"Insert suggestion without overwriting text right of the cursor."="插入建议而不覆盖光标右侧的文本。"
"Insert suggestion and overwrite text right of the cursor."="插入建议并覆盖光标右侧的文本。"
"Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. Note that this depends on extensions opting into this feature."="控制接受完成时是否覆盖单词。 请注意,这取决于选择加入此功能的扩展程序。"
"Controls whether filtering and sorting suggestions accounts for small typos."="控制过滤和排序建议是否考虑到小的拼写错误。"
"Controls whether sorting favors words that appear close to the cursor."="控制排序是否有利于出现在光标附近的单词。"
"Controls whether remembered suggestion selections are shared between multiple workspaces and windows (needs `="控制是否在多个工作区和窗口之间共享记住的建议选择(需要`
"Controls whether an active snippet prevents quick suggestions."="控制活动片段是否阻止快速建议。"
"Controls whether to show or hide icons in suggestions."="控制在建议中是显示还是隐藏图标。"
"Controls the visibility of the status bar at the bottom of the suggest widget."="控制建议小部件底部状态栏的可见性。"
"Controls whether to preview the suggestion outcome in the editor."="控制是否在编辑器中预览建议结果。"
"Controls whether suggest details show inline with the label or only in the details widget"="控制建议详细信息是与标签内嵌显示还是仅在详细信息小部件中显示"
"This setting is deprecated. The suggest widget can now be resized."="此设置已弃用。现在可以调整建议小部件的大小。"
"This setting is deprecated, please use separate settings like 'editor.suggest.showKeywords' or 'editor.suggest.showSnippets' instead."="此设置已弃用,请使用单独的设置,如“editor.suggest.showKeywords”或“editor.suggest.showSnippets”。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `method`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`方法`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `function`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`功能`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `constructor`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`构造函数`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `deprecated`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`已弃用`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `field`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`领域`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `variable`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`变量`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `class`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`类`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `struct`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`结构`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `interface`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`界面`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `module`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`模块`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `property`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`财产`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `event`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`事件`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `operator`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`操作员`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `unit`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`单位`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `value`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`值`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `constant`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`常数`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `enum`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`枚举`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `enumMember`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`枚举成员`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `keyword`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`关键字`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `text`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`文本`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `color`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`颜色`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `file`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`文件`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `reference`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`参考`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `customcolor`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`自定义颜色`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `folder`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`文件夹`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `typeParameter`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`类型参数`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `snippet`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`片段`-建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `user`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`用户`建议。"
"When enabled IntelliSense shows `issues`-suggestions."="启用智能感知后会显示`问题`-建议。"
"Controls whether to automatically show inline suggestions in the editor."="控制是否在编辑器中自动显示内联建议。"
"Font size for the suggest widget. When set to `0`, the value of `="建议小部件的字体大小。 当设置为 `0` 时,值为 `
"Line height for the suggest widget. When set to `0`, the value of `="建议小部件的行高。 当设置为 `0` 时,值为 `
` is used. The minimum value is 8."=` 被使用。 最小值为 8。"
"Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up when typing trigger characters."="控制在键入触发字符时是否应自动显示建议。"
"Always select the first suggestion."="始终选择第一个建议。"
"Select recent suggestions unless further typing selects one, e.g. `console.| -> console.log` because `log` has been completed recently."="选择最近的建议,除非进一步输入选择一个,例如 `console.| -> console.log` 因为`log` 最近已完成。"
"Select suggestions based on previous prefixes that have completed those suggestions, e.g. `co -> console` and `con -> const`."="根据已完成这些建议的先前前缀选择建议,例如 `co -> console` 和 `con -> const`。"
"Controls how suggestions are pre-selected when showing the suggest list."="控制显示建议列表时如何预先选择建议。"
"Tab complete will insert the best matching suggestion when pressing tab."="Tab Complete 将在按下 Tab 时插入最佳匹配建议。"
"Disable tab completions."="禁用制表符补全。"
"Tab complete snippets when their prefix match. Works best when 'quickSuggestions' aren't enabled."="当前缀匹配时,标签完整的片段。未启用“quickSuggestions”时效果最佳。"
"Enables tab completions."="启用选项卡完成。"
"Unusual line terminators are automatically removed."="不寻常的行终止符会自动删除。"
"Unusual line terminators are ignored."="不寻常的行终止符将被忽略。"
"Unusual line terminators prompt to be removed."="不寻常的行终止符提示被删除。"
"Remove unusual line terminators that might cause problems."="删除可能导致问题的异常行终止符。"
"Inserting and deleting whitespace follows tab stops."="在制表位之后插入和删除空格。"
"Characters that will be used as word separators when doing word related navigations or operations."="在进行与单词相关的导航或操作时将用作单词分隔符的字符。"
"Lines will never wrap."="线条永远不会换行。"
"Lines will wrap at the viewport width."="线条将在视口宽度处换行。"
"- `editor.wordWrapColumn` refers to a different setting and should not be localized."="- `editor.wordWrapColumn` 指的是不同的设置,不应本地化。"
"Lines will wrap at `="行将在 `
"Lines will wrap at the minimum of viewport and `="线条将在视口的最小值处换行,并且 `
"- 'off', 'on', 'wordWrapColumn' and 'bounded' refer to values the setting can take and should not be localized."="- 'off'、'on'、'wordWrapColumn' 和 'bounded' 是指设置可以采用的值,不应本地化。"
"Controls how lines should wrap."="控制如何换行。"
"- `editor.wordWrap` refers to a different setting and should not be localized."="- `editor.wordWrap` 指的是不同的设置,不应本地化。"
"- 'wordWrapColumn' and 'bounded' refer to values the different setting can take and should not be localized."="- 'wordWrapColumn' 和 'bounded' 指的是不同设置可以采用的值,不应本地化。"
"Controls the wrapping column of the editor when `="控制编辑器的环绕列 `
` is `wordWrapColumn` or `bounded`."=` 是 `wordWrapColumn` 或 `bounded`。"
"No indentation. Wrapped lines begin at column 1."="没有缩进。 换行从第 1 列开始。"
"Wrapped lines get the same indentation as the parent."="换行的缩进与父行相同。"
"Wrapped lines get +1 indentation toward the parent."="环绕的行向父级缩进 +1。"
"Wrapped lines get +2 indentation toward the parent."="环绕的行向父级缩进 +2。"
"Controls the indentation of wrapped lines."="控制换行的缩进。"
"Assumes that all characters are of the same width. This is a fast algorithm that works correctly for monospace fonts and certain scripts (like Latin characters) where glyphs are of equal width."="假设所有字符的宽度相同。 这是一种快速算法,适用于等宽字体和某些字形宽度相等的脚本(如拉丁字符)。"
"Delegates wrapping points computation to the browser. This is a slow algorithm, that might cause freezes for large files, but it works correctly in all cases."="将包装点计算委托给浏览器。 这是一个缓慢的算法,可能会导致大文件冻结,但它在所有情况下都能正常工作。"
"Controls the algorithm that computes wrapping points."="控制计算包裹点的算法。"
`[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "${e.authority}", path: "${e.path}", query: "${e.query}", fragment: "${e.fragment}"}`=`[UriError]: 方案缺失: {方案: "", 权限: "${e.authority}", 路径: "${e.path}", 查询: "${e.query}", 片断: "${e.fragment}"}`
"[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters."="[UriError]: 方案包含非法字符。"
'[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character'='[UriError]: 如果 URI 包含权限组件,则路径组件必须为空或以斜杠 ("/") 字符开头'
'[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")'='[UriError]: 如果 URI 不包含权限组件,则路径不能以两个斜杠字符开头 ("//")'
"[UriError]: cannot call joinPath on URI without path"="[UriError]: 无法在没有路径的 URI 上调用 joinPath"
"invalid command"="命令无效"
"Unknown EOL preference"="未知的 EOL 偏好"
"Overlapping ranges are not allowed!"="不允许重叠范围!"
"Invalid child index"="子索引无效"
"Invalid list heights"="无效的列表高度"
"Cannot append to a full (2,3) tree node"="无法附加到完整的 (2,3) 树节点"
"Cannot remove from a non-full (2,3) tree node"="无法从非完整 (2,3) 树节点中删除"
"Cannot prepend to a full (2,3) tree node"="无法添加到完整的 (2,3) 树节点"
"Cannot remove from a non-full (2,3) tree node"="无法从非完整 (2,3) 树节点中删除"
"this instance is immutable"="这个实例是不可变的"
"Invalid offset"="无效的偏移量"
"Not supported"="不支持"
"Invalid change accessor"="无效的更改访问器"
"Model is disposed!"="模型已配置!"
"Illegal value for lineNumber"="lineNumber 的非法值"
"Illegal value for startLineNumber"="startLineNumber 的非法值"
"Illegal value for endLineNumber"="endLineNumber 的非法值"
"Background color for the highlight of line at the cursor position."="光标位置线突出显示的背景颜色。"
"Background color for the border around the line at the cursor position."="光标位置线周围边框的背景颜色。"
"Background color of highlighted ranges, like by quick open and find features. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="高亮显示范围的背景颜色,例如快速打开和查找功能。 颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏下面的装饰。"
"Background color of the border around highlighted ranges."="高亮显示范围周围边框的背景颜色。"
"Background color of highlighted symbol, like for go to definition or go next/previous symbol. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="突出显示符号的背景颜色,例如转到定义或转到下一个/上一个符号。 颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏下面的装饰。"
"Background color of the border around highlighted symbols."="突出显示符号周围边框的背景颜色。"
"The background color of the editor cursor. Allows customizing the color of a character overlapped by a block cursor."="编辑器光标的背景颜色。 允许自定义与块光标重叠的字符的颜色。"
"Color of whitespace characters in the editor."="编辑器中空白字符的颜色。"
"Color of the editor indentation guides."="编辑器缩进指南的颜色。"
"Color of the active editor indentation guides."="活动编辑器缩进指南的颜色。"
"Color of editor line numbers."="编辑器行号的颜色。"
"Color of editor active line number"="编辑器活动行号的颜色"
"Id is deprecated. Use 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' instead."="不推荐使用 ID。改用 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' 。"
"Color of the editor rulers."="编辑器标尺的颜色。"
"Foreground color of editor CodeLens"="编辑器 CodeLens 的前景色"
"Background color behind matching brackets"="匹配括号后面的背景颜色"
"Color for matching brackets boxes"="匹配括号框的颜色"
"Color of the overview ruler border."="概览标尺边框的颜色。"
"Background color of the editor overview ruler. Only used when the minimap is enabled and placed on the right side of the editor."="编辑器概览标尺的背景颜色。 仅在启用小地图并放置在编辑器右侧时使用。"
"Background color of the editor gutter. The gutter contains the glyph margins and the line numbers."="编辑器装订线的背景颜色。装订线包含字形边距和行号。"
"Border color of unnecessary (unused) source code in the editor."="编辑器中不必要(未使用)源代码的边框颜色。"
"Opacity of unnecessary (unused) source code in the editor. For example, \"="编辑器中不必要(未使用)源代码的不透明度。 例如,\"
000000c0\" will render the code with 75% opacity. For high contrast themes, use the  'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' theme color to underline unnecessary code instead of fading it out."=000000c0\" 将以 75% 的不透明度呈现代码。 对于高对比度主题,请使用 'editorUnnecessaryCode.border' 主题颜色来强调不必要的代码,而不是将其淡出。"
"Border color of ghost text in the editor."="编辑器中幽灵文本的边框颜色。"
"Foreground color of the ghost text in the editor."="编辑器中幻影文本的前景色。"
"Overview ruler marker color for range highlights. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="范围高亮的概览标尺标记颜色。 颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏下面的装饰。"
"Overview ruler marker color for errors."="概述错误的标尺标记颜色。"
"Overview ruler marker color for warnings."="警告的概览标尺标记颜色。"
"Overview ruler marker color for infos."="信息的概览标尺标记颜色。"
"Foreground color of brackets (1). Requires enabling bracket pair colorization."="括号 (1) 的前景色。 需要启用括号对着色。"
"Foreground color of brackets (2). Requires enabling bracket pair colorization."="括号 (2) 的前景色。 需要启用括号对着色。"
"Foreground color of brackets (3). Requires enabling bracket pair colorization."="括号 (3) 的前景色。 需要启用括号对着色。"
"Foreground color of brackets (4). Requires enabling bracket pair colorization."="括号 (4) 的前景色。 需要启用括号对着色。"
"Foreground color of brackets (5). Requires enabling bracket pair colorization."="括号 (5) 的前景色。 需要启用括号对着色。"
"Foreground color of brackets (6). Requires enabling bracket pair colorization."="括号 (6) 的前景色。 需要启用括号对着色。"
"Foreground color of unexpected brackets."="意外括号的前景色。"
"Background color of inactive bracket pair guides (1). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="非活动支架对指南 (1) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of inactive bracket pair guides (2). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="非活动支架对导轨 (2) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of inactive bracket pair guides (3). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="非活动支架对导轨 (3) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of inactive bracket pair guides (4). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="非活动支架对导轨 (4) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of inactive bracket pair guides (5). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="非活动支架对导轨 (5) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of inactive bracket pair guides (6). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="非活动支架对导轨 (6) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of active bracket pair guides (1). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="活动支架对指南 (1) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of active bracket pair guides (2). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="活动支架对导轨 (2) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of active bracket pair guides (3). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="活动支架对导轨 (3) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of active bracket pair guides (4). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="活动支架对导轨 (4) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of active bracket pair guides (5). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="活动支架对导轨 (5) 的背景颜色。 需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Background color of active bracket pair guides (6). Requires enabling bracket pair guides."="活动支架对导轨 (6) 的背景颜色。需要启用支架对导轨。"
"Whether suggestion are visible"="建议是否可见"
"Whether suggestion details are visible"="建议详情是否可见"
"Whether there are multiple suggestions to pick from"="是否有多种建议可供选择"
"Whether inserting the current suggestion yields in a change or has everything already been typed"="无论是插入当前建议会产生变化还是已经输入了所有内容"
"Whether suggestions are inserted when pressing Enter"="按回车时是否插入建议"
"Whether the current suggestion has insert and replace behaviour"="当前建议是否具有插入和替换行为"
"Whether the default behaviour is to insert or replace"="默认行为是插入还是替换"
"Whether the current suggestion supports to resolve further details"="目前的建议是否支持解决更多细节"
"get [".concat(e, "] from cache failed with error:"="从缓存中获取 [".concat(e, "] 失败:"
"Unexpected languageId"="意外的语言 ID"
"Cannot clone recursive data-structure"="无法克隆递归数据结构"
"Conflict in default settings: "="默认设置冲突:"
"There is already an extension with this id"="已经有一个具有此 ID 的扩展程序"
) resulted in a relative path`=) 是相对路径`
"move of an UNKNOWN touch"="未知触摸的移动"
"end of an UNKNOWN touch"="未知接触的结束"
`String representation missing for key code ${m} around scan code ${f}`=`扫描代码 ${f} 周围缺少键代码 ${m} 的字符串表示`
"Invalid list"="无效清单"
"LinkedMap got modified during iteration."="LinkedMap 在迭代过程中被修改。"
"Whether the current code editor is embedded inside peek"="当前代码编辑器是否嵌入在 peek 中"
"Background color of the peek view title area."="预览视图标题区域的背景颜色。"
"Color of the peek view title."="预览视图标题的颜色。"
"Color of the peek view title info."="预览视图标题信息的颜色。"
"Color of the peek view borders and arrow."="透视图边框和箭头的颜色。"
"Background color of the peek view result list."="查看视图结果列表的背景颜色。"
"Foreground color for line nodes in the peek view result list."="透视视图结果列表中线节点的前景色。"
"Foreground color for file nodes in the peek view result list."="预览视图结果列表中文件节点的前景色。"
"Background color of the selected entry in the peek view result list."="预览视图结果列表中所选条目的背景颜色。"
"Foreground color of the selected entry in the peek view result list."="预览视图结果列表中所选条目的前景色。"
"Background color of the peek view editor."="预览视图编辑器的背景颜色。"
"Background color of the gutter in the peek view editor."="透视视图编辑器中装订线的背景颜色。"
"Match highlight color in the peek view result list."="匹配预览视图结果列表中的高亮颜色。"
"Match highlight color in the peek view editor."="在预览视图编辑器中匹配高亮颜色。"
"Match highlight border in the peek view editor."="在查看视图编辑器中匹配高亮边框。"
"Memoize should only be used in functions with zero parameters"="Memoize 应该只用于零参数的函数中"
"The id of the font to use. If not set, the font that is defined first is used."="要使用的字体的 ID。 如果未设置,则使用首先定义的字体。"
"The font character associated with the icon definition."="与图标定义关联的字体字符。"
"Icon for the close action in widgets."="小部件中关闭操作的图标。"
"Placeholders are: 0: filename, 1:line number, 2: column number, 3: preview snippet of source code"="占位符是:0:文件名,1:行号,2:列号,3:源代码预览片段"
"symbol in {0} on line {1} at column {2}, {3}"="第 {1} 行 {2}、{3} 列 {0} 中的符号"
"symbol in {0} on line {1} at column {2}"="第 {1} 行 {2} 列的 {0} 中的符号"
"1 symbol in {0}, full path {1}"="{0} 中有 1 个符号,完整路径 {1}"
"{0} symbols in {1}, full path {2}"="{1} 中的 {0} 个符号,完整路径 {2}"
"No results found"="未找到结果"
"Found 1 symbol in {0}"="在 {0} 中找到 1 个符号"
"Found {0} symbols in {1}"="在 {1} 中找到 {0} 个符号"
"Found {0} symbols in {1} files"="在 {1} 个文件中找到 {0} 个符号"
"Whether the editor runs a cancellable operation, e.g. like 'Peek References'"="编辑器是否运行可取消的操作,例如 像'查看参考'"
"Move cursor to a logical position in the view"="将光标移动到视图中的逻辑位置"
"Cursor move argument object"="光标移动参数对象"
"Property-value pairs that can be passed through this argument:\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'to': A mandatory logical position value providing where to move the cursor.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'left', 'right', 'up', 'down', 'prevBlankLine', 'nextBlankLine',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'wrappedLineStart', 'wrappedLineEnd', 'wrappedLineColumnCenter'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter', 'wrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'viewPortTop', 'viewPortCenter', 'viewPortBottom', 'viewPortIfOutside'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'by': Unit to move. Default is computed based on 'to' value.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'line', 'wrappedLine', 'character', 'halfLine'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'value': Number of units to move. Default is '1'.\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'select': If 'true' makes the selection. Default is 'false'.\n\t\t\t\t"="可以通过此参数传递的属性-值对:\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'to':提供光标移动位置的强制性逻辑位置值。\n\t\t\t\ t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'left', 'right', 'up', 'down', 'prevBlankLine', 'nextBlankLine',\n\t \t\t\t\t\t'wrappedLineStart'、'wrappedLineEnd'、'wrappedLineColumnCenter'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter'、'wrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter'\n\t\t\t \t\t\t'viewPortTop'、'viewPortCenter'、'viewPortBottom'、'viewPortIfOutside'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t * 'by':移动单位。 默认值是根据 'to' 值计算的。\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'line', 'wrappedLine', ' character', 'halfLine'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'value':要移动的单位数。 默认值为 '1'。\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'select':如果 'true' 进行选择。 默认为“假”。\n\t\t\t\t"
"Ctrl+Alt+ keybindings should not be used by default under Windows. Offender: "="在 Windows 下,默认情况下不应使用 Ctrl+Alt 键绑定。 罪犯:"
"Scroll editor in the given direction"="在给定方向滚动编辑器"
"Editor scroll argument object"="编辑器滚动参数对象"
"Property-value pairs that can be passed through this argument:\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'to': A mandatory direction value.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'up', 'down'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'by': Unit to move. Default is computed based on 'to' value.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'line', 'wrappedLine', 'page', 'halfPage'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'value': Number of units to move. Default is '1'.\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'revealCursor': If 'true' reveals the cursor if it is outside view port.\n\t\t\t\t"="可以通过此参数传递的属性-值对:\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'to': 强制方向值。\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`` `\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'up', 'down'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\ t* 'by':移动单位。 默认值是根据 'to' 值计算的。\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'line', 'wrappedLine', ' page', 'halfPage'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'value':要移动的单位数。 默认为 '1'。\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'revealCursor':如果 'true' 显示光标在视口之外。\n\t\t\t\t"
"Reveal the given line at the given logical position"="在给定的逻辑位置显示给定的行"
"Reveal line argument object"="显示行参数对象"
"Property-value pairs that can be passed through this argument:\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'lineNumber': A mandatory line number value.\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'at': Logical position at which line has to be revealed.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'top', 'center', 'bottom'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t"="可以通过此参数传递的属性-值对:\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'lineNumber':强制行号值。\n\t\t\t\t\t* 'at ': 必须显示行的逻辑位置。\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'top', 'center' , '底部'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t```\n\t\t\t\t"
"Go to End"="转到结尾"
"Stick to the end even when going to longer lines"="即使要排更长的队,也要坚持到底"
"Select to End"="选择结束"
"Please use `lazyRender` together with `renderNow`!"="请同时使用`lazyRender`和`renderNow`!"
"Invalid start index: "="无效的起始索引:"
"Invalid delete count: "="无效的删除计数:"
"Invalid index "="无效索引 "
"Default Language Configuration Overrides"="默认语言配置覆盖"
"Cannot register '{0}'. This matches property pattern '\\\\[.*\\\\]$' for describing language specific editor settings. Use 'configurationDefaults' contribution."="无法注册 '{0}'。 这匹配用于描述语言特定编辑器设置的属性模式 '\\\\[.*\\\\]$'。 使用 'configurationDefaults' 贡献。"
"Cannot register '{0}'. This property is already registered."="无法注册 '{0}'。 此属性已注册。"
"Cannot register an empty property"="无法注册空属性"
"Configure editor settings to be overridden for a language."="配置要为语言覆盖的编辑器设置。"
"This setting does not support per-language configuration."="此设置不支持每种语言的配置。"
`Table cell renderer for template id ${t.templateId} not found.`=`找不到模板 ID ${t.templateId} 的表格单元格渲染器。`
"Invalid tree location"="无效的树位置"
"Invalid getParentNodeLocation call"="无效的 getParentNodeLocation 调用"
"Tree element not found: "="未找到树元素:"
"Unknown compressed tree node"="未知压缩树节点"
"Data tree node not found: "="未找到数据树节点:"
"Recursive tree visibility not supported in async data compressed trees"="异步数据压缩树不支持递归树可见性"
"Cannot register the same widget multiple times"="不能多次注册同一个小部件"
"Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS."="在 Windows 和 Linux 上映射到“Control”,在 macOS 上映射到“Command”。"
"Maps to `Alt` on Windows and Linux and to `Option` on macOS."="在 Windows 和 Linux 上映射到“Alt”,在 macOS 上映射到“Option”。"
"- `ctrlCmd` refers to a value the setting can take and should not be localized."="- `ctrlCmd` 指的是设置可以采用的值,不应本地化。"
"- `Control` and `Command` refer to the modifier keys Ctrl or Cmd on the keyboard and can be localized."="- `Control` 和 `Command` 指的是键盘上的修饰键 Ctrl 或 Cmd,可以本地化。"
"The modifier to be used to add an item in trees and lists to a multi-selection with the mouse (for example in the explorer, open editors and scm view). The 'Open to Side' mouse gestures - if supported - will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multiselect modifier."="用于使用鼠标将树和列表中的项目添加到多选中的修饰符(例如在资源管理器、打开的编辑器和 scm 视图中)。 “侧边打开”鼠标手势 - 如果支持 - 将进行调整,使其不会与多选修饰符发生冲突。"
"`singleClick` and `doubleClick` refers to a value the setting can take and should not be localized."="`单击` 和 `双击` 是指设置可以采用且不应本地化的值。"
"Controls how to open items in trees and lists using the mouse (if supported). Note that some trees and lists might choose to ignore this setting if it is not applicable."="控制如何使用鼠标打开树和列表中的项目(如果支持)。 请注意,如果此设置不适用,某些树和列表可能会选择忽略此设置。"
"Controls whether lists and trees support horizontal scrolling in the workbench. Warning: turning on this setting has a performance implication."="控制列表和树是否支持工作台中的水平滚动。警告:启用此设置会影响性能。"
"Controls tree indentation in pixels."="以像素为单位控制树缩进。"
"Controls whether the tree should render indent guides."="控制树是否应呈现缩进指南。"
"Controls whether lists and trees have smooth scrolling."="控制列表和树是否平滑滚动。"
"A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events."="用于鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 `增量 X` 和 `增量 Y` 的乘数。"
"Scrolling speed multiplier when pressing `Alt`."="按下 `Alt` 时滚动倍速。"
"Simple keyboard navigation focuses elements which match the keyboard input. Matching is done only on prefixes."="简单的键盘导航聚焦与键盘输入匹配的元素。匹配仅在前缀上进行。"
"Highlight keyboard navigation highlights elements which match the keyboard input. Further up and down navigation will traverse only the highlighted elements."="高亮显示键盘导航高亮显示与键盘输入匹配的元素。进一步的向上和向下导航将仅遍历高亮显示的元素。"
"Filter keyboard navigation will filter out and hide all the elements which do not match the keyboard input."="过滤键盘导航将过滤并隐藏所有与键盘输入不匹配的元素。"
"Controls the keyboard navigation style for lists and trees in the workbench. Can be simple, highlight and filter."="控制工作台中列表和树的键盘导航样式。可以很简单,高亮显示和过滤。"
"automatic keyboard navigation setting"="自动键盘导航设置"
"Controls whether keyboard navigation in lists and trees is automatically triggered simply by typing. If set to `false`, keyboard navigation is only triggered when executing the `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation` command, for which you can assign a keyboard shortcut."="控制列表和树中的键盘导航是否通过键入自动触发。 如果设置为 `false`,则仅在执行 `list.toggleKeyboardNavigation` 命令时才会触发键盘导航,您可以为其分配键盘快捷键。"
"Controls how tree folders are expanded when clicking the folder names. Note that some trees and lists might choose to ignore this setting if it is not applicable."="控制单击文件夹名称时树文件夹的展开方式。 请注意,如果此设置不适用,某些树和列表可能会选择忽略此设置。"
"Show Code Actions. Preferred Quick Fix Available ({0})"="显示代码操作。首选快速修复可用 ({0})"
"Show Code Actions ({0})"="显示代码操作 ({0})"
"Show Code Actions"="显示代码操作"
"Private method is not writable"="私有方法不可写"
"Private accessor was defined without a setter"="私有访问器是在没有 setter 的情况下定义的"
"Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"="无法将私有成员写入其类未声明的对象"
"Private accessor was defined without a getter"="私有访问器是在没有 getter 的情况下定义的"
"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"="无法从类未声明它的对象中读取私有成员"
"Kind of the code action to run."="要运行的代码操作类型。"
"Controls when the returned actions are applied."="控制何时应用返回的操作。"
"Always apply the first returned code action."="始终应用第一个返回的代码操作。"
"Apply the first returned code action if it is the only one."="如果它是唯一的,则应用第一个返回的代码操作。"
"Do not apply the returned code actions."="不要应用返回的代码操作。"
"Controls if only preferred code actions should be returned."="控制是否应仅返回首选代码操作。"
"An unknown error occurred while applying the code action"="应用代码操作时发生未知错误"
"No code actions available"="没有可用的代码操作"
"No preferred code actions for '{0}' available"="没有适用于“{0}”的首选代码操作"
"No code actions for '{0}' available"="“{0}”没有可用的代码操作"
"No preferred code actions available"="没有可用的首选代码操作"
"No preferred refactorings for '{0}' available"="没有可用的“{0}”的首选重构"
"No refactorings for '{0}' available"="没有可用的“{0}”重构"
"No preferred refactorings available"="没有可用的首选重构"
"No refactorings available"="没有可用的重构"
"Source Action..."="源动作..."
"No preferred source actions for '{0}' available"="没有可用的“{0}”的首选源操作"
"No source actions for '{0}' available"="没有可用的“{0}”的源操作"
"No preferred source actions available"="没有可用的首选源操作"
"No source actions available"="没有可用的源操作"
"Organize Imports"="组织进口"
"No organize imports action available"="没有可用的组织导入操作"
"Fix All"="修复全部"
"No fix all action available"="没有修复所有可用的操作"
"Auto Fix..."="自动修复..."
"No auto fixes available"="没有可用的自动修复"
"TrustedTypes policy "="TrustedTypes 政策 "
" could not be created."=" 无法创建。"
"toString is not a function"="toString 不是函数"
"dirty is not a string, aborting"="脏不是字符串,中止"
"Cannot edit in read-only editor"="无法在只读编辑器中编辑"
"Whether the editor is currently showing an inline message"="编辑器当前是否显示内联消息"
"Decoration has no range"="装修没有范围"
"Show Next Inline Suggestion"="显示下一个内联建议"
"Show Previous Inline Suggestion"="显示上一个内联建议"
"Trigger Inline Suggestion"="触发内联建议"
"[compositionstart] Handling long press case on macOS + arrow key or Firefox"="[compositionstart] 在 macOS + 方向键或 Firefox 上处理长按大小写"
"ClipboardEventUtils.getTextData: Cannot use text data!"="ClipboardEventUtils.getTextData: 无法使用文本数据!"
"originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd"="originalStart 应该只比 originalEnd 多 1"
"modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd"="modifiedStart 应该只比 modifiedEnd 多 1"
"Left change is not less than or equal to right change"="左变不小于或等于右变"
"The number of spaces a tab is equal to. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `="一个制表符等于的空格数。 此设置将根据文件内容覆盖 `
"Insert spaces when pressing `Tab`. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `="按 `Tab` 时插入空格。 此设置将根据文件内容覆盖 `
` is on."=` 开启。"
"Controls whether `="控制是否 `
` and `#editor.insertSpaces#` will be automatically detected when a file is opened based on the file contents."=` 和 `#editor.insertSpaces#` 将根据文件内容在打开文件时自动检测。"
"Remove trailing auto inserted whitespace."="删除尾随自动插入的空格。"
"Special handling for large files to disable certain memory intensive features."="对大文件的特殊处理以禁用某些内存密集型功能。"
"Controls whether completions should be computed based on words in the document."="控制是否应根据文档中的单词计算完成。"
"Only suggest words from the active document."="仅建议活动文档中的单词。"
"Suggest words from all open documents of the same language."="从相同语言的所有打开的文档中建议单词。"
"Suggest words from all open documents."="从所有打开的文档中建议单词。"
"Controls from which documents word based completions are computed."="控制从哪些文档计算基于单词的完成。"
"Semantic highlighting enabled for all color themes."="为所有颜色主题启用语义高亮显示。"
"Semantic highlighting disabled for all color themes."="对所有颜色主题禁用语义高亮显示。"
"Semantic highlighting is configured by the current color theme's `semanticHighlighting` setting."="语义高亮由当前颜色主题的 `semanticHighlighting` 设置配置。"
"Controls whether the semanticHighlighting is shown for the languages that support it."="控制是否为支持它的语言显示语义高亮。"
"Keep peek editors open even when double clicking their content or when hitting `Escape`."="即使双击内容或点击 `Escape` ,也保持打开查看编辑器."
"Lines above this length will not be tokenized for performance reasons"="出于性能原因,超过此长度的行将不会被标记"
"Defines the bracket symbols that increase or decrease the indentation."="定义增加或减少缩进的括号符号。"
"The opening bracket character or string sequence."="左括号字符或字符串序列。"
"The closing bracket character or string sequence."="右括号字符或字符串序列。"
"Defines the bracket pairs that are colorized by their nesting level if bracket pair colorization is enabled."="如果启用了括号对着色,则定义按嵌套级别着色的括号对。"
"Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is cancelled. Use 0 for no timeout."="取消差异计算后的超时时间(以毫秒为单位)。 使用 0 表示没有超时。"
"Maximum file size in MB for which to compute diffs. Use 0 for no limit."="计算差异的最大文件大小(以 MB 为单位)。 使用 0 表示没有限制。"
"Controls whether the diff editor shows the diff side by side or inline."="控制差异编辑器是并排显示还是内联显示差异。"
"When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in leading or trailing whitespace."="启用后,差异编辑器会忽略前导或尾随空格的更改。"
"Controls whether the diff editor shows +/- indicators for added/removed changes."="控制差异编辑器是否为添加/删除的更改显示 +/- 指示器。"
"Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens."="控制编辑器是否显示 CodeLens。"
"Lines will never wrap."="线条永远不会换行。"
"Lines will wrap at the viewport width."="线条将在视口宽度处换行。"
"Lines will wrap according to the `="行将根据 `
` setting."=` 设置。"
"This is the short form for the Control key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Control 键的简写形式"
"This is the short form for the Shift key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Shift 键的简写形式"
"This is the short form for the Alt key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Alt 键的简写形式"
"This is the short form for the Windows key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Windows 键的简写形式"
"This is the short form for the Control key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Control 键的简写形式"
"This is the short form for the Super key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Super 键的简写形式"
"This is the long form for the Control key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Control 键的长格式"
"This is the long form for the Shift key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Shift 键的长格式"
"This is the long form for the Alt key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Alt 键的长格式"
"This is the long form for the Command key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Command 键的长格式"
"This is the long form for the Windows key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Windows 键的长格式"
"This is the long form for the Super key on the keyboard"="这是键盘上 Super 键的长格式"
"Whether the editor in current in snippet mode"="当前编辑器是否处于片段模式"
"Whether there is a next tab stop when in snippet mode"="在代码段模式下是否有下一个制表位"
"Whether there is a previous tab stop when in snippet mode"="在代码段模式下是否有上一个制表位"
"Horizontal scrolling and dynamic heights not supported simultaneously"="不能同时支持水平滚动和动态高度"
"Can't run recursive splices."="无法运行递归拼接。"
"No renderer found for template id "="找不到模板 ID 的渲染器 "
"Got bad scroll event:"="有错误的滚动事件:"
"Made 1 formatting edit on line {0}"="在第 {0} 行进行了 1 次格式编辑"
"Made {0} formatting edits on line {1}"="对第 {1} 行进行了 {0} 次格式编辑"
"Made 1 formatting edit between lines {0} and {1}"="在第 {0} 行和 {1} 行之间进行了 1 次格式编辑"
"Made {0} formatting edits between lines {1} and {2}"="在第 {1} 行和 {2} 行之间进行了 {0} 次格式编辑"
"Whether the operating system is Windows"="操作系统是否为 Windows"
"View received unknown event: "="查看收到的未知事件:"
"I have no rendered view line to set the dom node to..."="我没有渲染视图线来将 dom 节点设置为..."
"monospace assumptions have been violated, therefore disabling monospace optimizations!"="违反了等宽假设,因此禁用等宽优化!"
"The editor is not accessible at this time. Press {0} for options."="此时无法访问编辑器。 按 {0} 查看选项。"
"bad render request outside image data"="图像数据之外的错误渲染请求"
"Unexpected source in MinimapCharRenderer"="MinimapCharRenderer 中的意外来源"
"Detected duplicate listener in ViewEventDispatcher"="在 ViewEventDispatcher 中检测到重复的侦听器"
"Cannot have two contributions with the same id "="不能有两个具有相同 ID 的贡献 "
"Cannot have two actions with the same id "="不能有两个具有相同 ID 的操作 "
"Invalid arguments"="无效参数"
"Overwriting a content widget with the same id."="覆盖具有相同 ID 的内容小部件。"
"Overwriting an overlay widget with the same id."="覆盖具有相同 ID 的覆盖小部件。"
"The number of cursors has been limited to {0}."="游标的数量被限制为 {0}."
"Text will be prefixed with ⇅ plus a single space, then used as a hint where input field keeps history"="文本将以 ⇅ 加上一个空格作为前缀,然后用作输入字段保留历史记录的提示"
"for history"="对于历史"
"Icon for more information in the suggest widget."="建议小部件中的更多信息图标。"
"Background color of the suggest widget."="建议小部件的背景颜色。"
"Border color of the suggest widget."="建议小部件的边框颜色。"
"Foreground color of the suggest widget."="建议小部件的前景色。"
"Foreground color of the selected entry in the suggest widget."="建议小部件中所选条目的前景色。"
"Icon foreground color of the selected entry in the suggest widget."="建议小部件中所选条目的图标前景色。"
"Background color of the selected entry in the suggest widget."="建议小部件中所选条目的背景颜色。"
"Color of the match highlights in the suggest widget."="匹配项的颜色在建议小部件中高亮显示。"
"Color of the match highlights in the suggest widget when an item is focused."="当项目聚焦时,匹配的颜色在建议小部件中高亮显示。"
"No suggestions."="没有建议。"
"Accepting '{0}' made {1} additional edits"="接受'{0}'进行了 {1} 次额外编辑"
"Value is already registered"="值已注册"
"Whether reference peek is visible, like 'Peek References' or 'Peek Definition'"="参考查看是否可见,如‘查看参考’或‘查看定义"

"Experimental Features"="实验功能"
"Automatic Upgrade"="自动更新"
label:"Quit Clash for Windows"=label:"退出 Clash for Windows"
role:"windowMenu"=label:"窗口",submenu:[{role:"minimize",label:"最小化"},{role:"zoom",label:"缩放"},{type:"separator"},{role:"front",label:"前置全部窗口"},{type:"separator"},{role:"window",label:"Clash for Windows"}]








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