github BoyceLig/Clash_Chinese_Patch 0.19.3(补充翻译)
Clash for Windows v0.19.3 汉化补丁(补充翻译)

latest releases: 0.20.39, 0.20.38, 0.20.37...
3 years ago


Clash for Windows\resources\app.asar


"Controls whether the editor has linked editing enabled. Depending on the language, related symbols, e.g. HTML tags, are updated while editing."="控制编辑器是否启用了链接编辑。 根据语言、相关符号,例如 HTML 标签,在编辑时更新。"
"Controls whether the editor should detect links and make them clickable."="控制编辑器是否应检测链接并使其可点击。"
"Highlight matching brackets."="高亮显示匹配的括号。"
"Controls whether the minimap is shown."="控制是否显示小地图。"
"The minimap has the same size as the editor contents (and might scroll)."="小地图与编辑器内容大小相同(并且可能会滚动)。"
"The minimap will stretch or shrink as necessary to fill the height of the editor (no scrolling)."="小地图将根据需要拉伸或收缩以填充编辑器的高度(无滚动)。"
"The minimap will shrink as necessary to never be larger than the editor (no scrolling)."="小地图将根据需要缩小,永远不会大于编辑器(不滚动)。"
"Controls the size of the minimap."="控制小地图的大小。"
"Controls the side where to render the minimap."="控制渲染小地图的一侧。"
"Controls when the minimap slider is shown."="控制何时显示小地图滑块。"
"Scale of content drawn in the minimap: 1, 2 or 3."="小地图中绘制的内容比例:1、2 或 3。"
"Render the actual characters on a line as opposed to color blocks."="在一行上渲染实际字符,而不是色块。"
"Limit the width of the minimap to render at most a certain number of columns."="限制小地图的宽度以最多渲染一定数量的列。"
"A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events."="用于鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 `增量X` 和 `增量Y` 的乘数。"
"Zoom the font of the editor when using mouse wheel and holding `Ctrl`."="使用鼠标滚轮并按住`Ctrl`时缩放编辑器的字体。"
"Merge multiple cursors when they are overlapping."="当它们重叠时合并多个光标。"
"Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS."="在 Windows 和 Linux 上映射到 `Control`,在 macOS 上映射到 `Command`。"
"Maps to `Alt` on Windows and Linux and to `Option` on macOS."="在 Windows 和 Linux 上映射到 `Alt`,在 macOS 上映射到 `Option`。"
"- `ctrlCmd` refers to a value the setting can take and should not be localized."="- `ctrlCmd` 指的是设置可以采用的值,不应本地化。"
"- `Control` and `Command` refer to the modifier keys Ctrl or Cmd on the keyboard and can be localized."="- `Control` 和 `Command` 指的是键盘上的修饰键 Ctrl 或 Cmd,可以本地化。"
"The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse. The Go to Definition and Open Link mouse gestures will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multicursor modifier. [Read more]("="用于使用鼠标添加多个光标的修饰符。转到定义和打开链接鼠标手势将进行调整,使其不会与多光标修饰符发生冲突。[阅读更多](。"
"Each cursor pastes a single line of the text."="每个光标粘贴一行文本。"
"Each cursor pastes the full text."="每个光标都粘贴全文。"
"Controls pasting when the line count of the pasted text matches the cursor count."="当粘贴文本的行数与光标计数匹配时控制粘贴。"
"Controls whether the editor should highlight semantic symbol occurrences."="控制编辑器是否应突出显示语义符号的出现。"
"Controls whether a border should be drawn around the overview ruler."="控制是否应在概览标尺周围绘制边框。"
"Controls the amount of space between the top edge of the editor and the first line."="控制编辑器顶部边缘和第一行之间的空间量。"
"Controls the amount of space between the bottom edge of the editor and the last line."="控制编辑器底部边缘和最后一行之间的空间量。"
"Enables a pop-up that shows parameter documentation and type information as you type."="启用一个弹出窗口,在您键入时显示参数文档和类型信息。"
"Controls whether the parameter hints menu cycles or closes when reaching the end of the list."="控制参数提示菜单在到达列表末尾时是循环还是关闭。"
"Focus the tree when opening peek"="打开 peek 时聚焦树"
"Focus the editor when opening peek"="打开 peek 时聚焦编辑器"
"Controls whether to focus the inline editor or the tree in the peek widget."="控制是否将内联编辑器或树集中在 peek 小部件中。"
"Controls whether the Go to Definition mouse gesture always opens the peek widget."="控制转到定义鼠标手势是否始终打开查看小部件。"
"Enable quick suggestions inside strings."="在字符串中启用快速建议。"
"Enable quick suggestions inside comments."="在评论中启用快速建议。"
"Enable quick suggestions outside of strings and comments."="启用字符串和评论之外的快速建议。"
"Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up while typing."="控制打字时是否应自动显示建议。"
"Controls the delay in milliseconds after which quick suggestions will show up."="控制以毫秒为单位的延迟,之后会显示快速建议。"
"Controls whether the editor auto renames on type."="控制编辑器是否自动重命名类型。"
"Deprecated, use `editor.linkedEditing` instead."="已弃用,请改用`editor.linkedEditing`。"
"Controls whether the editor should render control characters."="控制编辑器是否应呈现控制字符。"
"Render last line number when the file ends with a newline."="当文件以换行符结束时呈现最后一行号。"
"Highlights both the gutter and the current line."="高亮显示装订线和当前行。"
"Controls how the editor should render the current line highlight."="控制编辑器应如何呈现当前行高亮显示。"
"Controls if the editor should render the current line highlight only when the editor is focused."="控制编辑器是否应仅在编辑器聚焦时呈现当前行高亮显示。"
"Render whitespace characters except for single spaces between words."="渲染除单词之间的单个空格之外的空白字符。"
"Render whitespace characters only on selected text."="仅在选定文本上呈现空白字符。"
"Render only trailing whitespace characters."="仅渲染尾随空白字符。"
"Controls how the editor should render whitespace characters."="控制编辑器应如何呈现空白字符。"
"Controls whether selections should have rounded corners."="控制选择是否应该有圆角。"
"Number of monospace characters at which this editor ruler will render."="此编辑器标尺将呈现的等宽字符数。"
"Color of this editor ruler."="这个编辑器标尺的颜色。"
"Render vertical rulers after a certain number of monospace characters. Use multiple values for multiple rulers. No rulers are drawn if array is empty."="在一定数量的等宽字符后渲染垂直标尺。为多个标尺使用多个值。如果数组为空,则不绘制标尺。"
"The vertical scrollbar will be visible only when necessary."="垂直滚动条仅在必要时可见。"
"The vertical scrollbar will always be visible."="垂直滚动条将始终可见。"
"The vertical scrollbar will always be hidden."="垂直滚动条将始终隐藏。"
"Controls the visibility of the vertical scrollbar."="控制垂直滚动条的可见性。"
"The horizontal scrollbar will be visible only when necessary."="水平滚动条仅在必要时可见。"
"The horizontal scrollbar will always be visible."="水平滚动条将始终可见。"
"The horizontal scrollbar will always be hidden."="水平滚动条将始终隐藏。"
"Controls the visibility of the horizontal scrollbar."="控制水平滚动条的可见性。"
"The width of the vertical scrollbar."="垂直滚动条的宽度。"

e._s(e.fromNowString(t.updatedAt))=e._s(e.fromNowString(t.updatedAt)).replace("Invalid date","日期无效")








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