github BoltzExchange/boltz-backend v3.9.0
v3.9.0 - Swarm of Swaps

one day ago

This release features:

  • batch claim support for Chain Swaps
  • and batch claiming on EVM based chains
  • many tiny little fixes for CLN

Bug Fixes

  • skip transaction confirmed swap update when succeeded - (9098457)
  • valid use of required swagger properties - (f766714)
  • set failureReason to null when invoice is paid (#733) - (a5bdb00)
  • CLN routing hints (#736) - (2adbe5e)
  • CLN invoice payment fee (#742) - (51e03ca)


  • add library and referral section (#745) - (30f34d0)
  • minor rewording of library section description (#750) - (8a03aa8)


Miscellaneous Chores

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