This release adds the capability to connect to multiple Elements nodes with different transaction relay policies and selectively decide which one to use.
Bug Fixes
- Docker build script backend version - (c3f6aaa)
- flaky fee calculating integration test - (c375740)
- remove lockup transaction table foreign contraint - (d149cc6)
- use lowball config for second Elements client - (ee3d5be)
- allow lowball for refunds (#533) - (f0aab1c)
- bump Liquid claim transaction size estimation (#534) - (9df7beb)
- make CORS headers configurable (#529) - (efc463f)
- use lowball for emitting unconfirmed transactions - (9621376)
- 0-conf circuit breaker - (0c33029)
- send alert notification when 0-conf is disabled - (b135ce6)
- use lowball fees in ElementsWrapper (#531) - (add9ea5)