- Offline Signing and Cold Storage
Allows a BlueWallet app on any mobile phone to sign transactions offline. Using PSBTs and Airgapped Animated QR codes to transmit information on the dark.
- Long press on Transaction Row to get shortcuts
- Tap and hold to Share QRCode image
- QR code scanner to wallet/broadcast screen
- Apple Watch Price Complication
- Copying Block Explorer Link
- If unable to connect to server, show alert
- Wallet delete would cause crash
- Browser crash when accessing wallet
- Widgets were not showing on drawer
- Screen titles language
- QRCode save alert description
- QRCode size on large devices
- Transactions/details screen graceful error handling
- Electrum protocol graceful error handling
- Better bitcoinscript error handling
- Fee selection in darkmode
Languages updates
- Arabic, Russian, Greek, Polish, Japanese, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Swedish, Thai, Finnish, Persian, Dutch, German, French and Chinese.
A special shout out to @bitkarrot and @et_sam from the Hong Kong Bitcoin Association on the Chinese translation work.