github BlueMap-Minecraft/BlueMap v1.5.5
Version 1.5.5

latest releases: v3.17, v3.16, v3.15...
3 years ago

Highlights / Notes

  • 1.17 support
  • Rewrite of the render-manager and map-updating: map updates are now directly based on file-changes and should be way more reliable now.
  • Sponge 8 support & more

BlueMap will now render automatically, so you do not need to do /bluemap render ... anymore!
Just use /bluemap to see the render-progress :)

Upgrading from 1.4.2

Swap the bluemap.jar and delete your <webroot>/index.html (usually ./bluemap/web/index.html).

After updating, BlueMap will start to completely re-render all your maps once!
Also every map-users web-app settings will be resetted.


  • configure permission changes: bluemap.resume => bluemap.start and bluemap.pause => bluemap.stop
  • In your plugin.conf, add:
# The interval in minutes in which a full map-update will be triggered.
# This is additionally!! to the normal map-update process (in case that fails to detect any file-changes).
# Default is 1440 (24 hours)
fullUpdateInterval: 1440
  • In your render.conf, add:
# If the free-flight-mode in the web-application is enabled or not.
# Default is true
enableFreeFlight: true

Changelog since 1.4.2

  • 1.17 Support
    • Added 1.17 resources (new blocks etc..)
    • Added support for variable world-heights in Minecraft 1.17
    • Added 1.17 support for fabric
  • Improved map-updating
    • Added file-watchers that detect changes in the world-files and update the maps based on those changes
    • Added a .rstate file to each map (./bluemap/web/data/<map>/.rstate)
    • Removed the ./bluemap/rmstate file
    • Added /bluemap update (Use to make bluemap re-check for updates)
    • Renamed /bluemap render to /bluemap force-update to discourage using it
    • Renamed /bluemap resume to /bluemap start (& permission bluemap.resume => bluemap.start)
    • Renamed /bluemap pause to /bluemap stop (& permission bluemap.pause => bluemap.stop)
    • Stopping and starting the render-threads with /bluemap start//bluemap stop now persists across server-restarts
    • Added the -u/--watch flag to the CLI. When using this flag, instead of terminating after the rendering is done, the cli will continue to watch the world-files and update the map as soon as it detects changes.
    • Rewrite of the render-manager
    • Removed world-save, block-change and chunk-save listeners (no longer needed because of file-watchers)
    • Added /bluemap freeze <map-id> which will stop all automatic updates for a specific map
    • Added /bluemap unfreeze <map-id> to reenable automatic map-updates
    • /bluemap maps now shows if a map is frozen
    • Greatly improved /bluemap purge <map-id>
    • Added /bluemap cancel <task-id> which manually cancels a scheduled task
    • Added a file ./bluemap/pluginState.json (contains the state of render-threads and frozen-maps)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Updated to gradle 7.0.2
    • Update BlueMapAPI to 1.6.0
    • Updated configurate-library to version 4.1.1
    • Updated bStats to version 2.2.1
    • Add support for SpongeAPI 8.0.0 (thanks to pschichtel and Faithcaio)
    • SpongeAPI 7.2.0 is supported again (was 7.3.0)
    • Added /bluemap marker list
    • Add /bluemap debug dump which dumps a lot of verbose information of the current state of bluemap in a file.
    • Added a setting to be able to disable the free-flight-mode of the web-app
    • The webapp-menu now closes when entering fullscreen-mode
    • Most of the files are now atomically saved (greatly reduces the possibility of corrupted files after crashes or when viewing the map during a render)
    • The web-app now saves user-settings in their local-storage instead of using cookies (thanks to C0Nd3Mnd)
    • Fixed a bug where BlueMap was rendering unfinished chunks
    • Fixed a bug that caused the ignoreMissingLightData-setting to be always enabled
    • Language updates (thanks to all translaters: <3)


BlueMapAPI: v1.6.0

File Target Version
BlueMap-1.5.5-cli.jar CLI for Minecraft 1.12.2 - 1.17
BlueMap-1.5.5-sponge-7.2.0.jar Sponge 7.2.0
BlueMap-1.5.5-sponge-8.0.0.jar Sponge 8.0.0
BlueMap-1.5.5-spigot.jar Spigot/Paper 1.13.2 - 1.17
BlueMap-1.5.5-fabric-1.17.jar Fabric 1.17
BlueMap-1.5.5-fabric-1.16.4.jar Fabric 1.16.2 - 1.16.5
BlueMap-1.5.5-fabric-1.16.1.jar Fabric 1.16.1
BlueMap-1.5.5-fabric-1.15.2.jar Fabric 1.15.2
BlueMap-1.5.5-forge-1.16.4.jar Forge 1.16.1 - 1.16.5 (1.16.3-34.0.0)
BlueMap-1.5.5-forge-1.15.2.jar Forge 1.15.2 (1.15.2-31.2.0)
BlueMap-1.5.5-forge-1.14.4.jar Forge 1.14.4 (1.14.4-28.2.0)

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