What's New?
This is yet another hot-fix/optimization release aimed to bring you all a better experience! Enjoy!
- Fixes issue where contact info would not show when searching
- Ability to set a default email for a given handle
- Mentions are now bold (previously was the primary theme color)
- When a 502 Gateway error is hit (for Cloudflare), the request is auto-retried
- The refresh button for the FindMy devices page will actually refresh locations now
- Improved URL preview design
- Better reply generation on swipe to show timestamp
- Fixes issue where media/files were not able to be saved to the device
- Fixes the connection indicator
- Fixes issue where the re-sync handles button would run against servers < v1.5.2
Full Changelog: v1.11.1+45...v1.11.2+46
- The APK below supports Android Auto
- You'll notice there is only 1 APK to download. This is because we've now bundled all platform APKs into a single one. We can now do this because we've moved away from using a custom Flutter engine, to using the official one after they've finally merged our code!
Useful Links
- Support Us: https://bluebubbles.app/donate
- Sponsor Us: https://github.com/sponsors/BlueBubblesApp
- BlueBubbles Server: https://github.com/BlueBubblesApp/bluebubbles-server/releases
- BlueBubbles for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluebubbles.messaging
- BlueBubbles for Windows: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/9P3XF8KJ0LSM
- BlueBubbles for Linux: https://flathub.org/apps/details/app.bluebubbles.BlueBubbles
- BlueBubbles Web: https://bluebubbles.app/web