github BlueBubblesApp/bluebubbles-app v1.0.0
BlueBubbles Android App v1.0.0

3 years ago

What's new?

This version encompasses all release candidates for the unreleased v0.1.16. I have rolled up and summarized all the changes since v0.1.15 below:

  • Official v1.0.0 release!
  • New Feature: Smart Replies
  • New Feature: Material Theme
  • New Feature: Hide Keyboard on Scroll
  • New Feature: Open Keyboard on Scroll to Bottom
  • New Feature: Swipe to Close Keyboard
  • New Feature: Move chat creator button to header
  • New Feature: Improved URL previews (faster & cached)
  • New Feature: Re-download Attachment (long-press)
  • New Feature: Ability to restart iMessage on your Mac
  • New Feature: Private API Features are now toggle-able
  • New Feature: Delivered Timestamps
  • New Feature: Last message texts are now ellipsed
  • New Feature: Existing chats now show before contact addresses in share screen
  • New Feature: Double-tap to show message details
  • New Feature: Chat message search
  • New Feature: Redacted Mode
  • New Feature: More granular timestamps
  • New Feature: Attachment Preview Quality Slider
  • New Feature: Colorblind Mode
  • New Feature: Ability to restart the BlueBubbles Server, remotely
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue where the contact address would not auto-fill the fields when creating a new contact
  • Bug Fix: Fixes placeholder text not updating
  • Bug Fix: Fixes message subject color
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue with background refreshing happening too much (for contacts & chats)
  • Bug Fix: Settings panel header doesn't change on theme change
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issues around when read receipts are shown
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issues around sharing (direct share & more)
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issues around share screen performance
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issues with sharing content from other keyboards (Samsung Keyboard, Bitmoji Keyboard, & more)
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue with parsing new Apple Maps locations
  • Bug Fix: Improves reliability of QR Scanning
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue loading some emojis as big-emojis
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue with showing duplicate contacts for a chat
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue with message tails not being "fluid"
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue showing invalid attachments
  • Bug Fix: Fixes some issues around international phone numbers
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue where a video could not be replayed until you re-entered the chat
  • Bug Fix: Fixes issue where the camera preview would not be able to be flipped correctly
  • Other: Optimizations to chat syncing
  • Other: Optimizations to chat loading
  • Other: Optimizations to contact loading
  • Other: A ton more...

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