github Blinue/Magpie v0.11.0-preview1

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pre-release6 months ago

这个预览版包含了一个全新的渲染系统,它已经开发了很久 #643,终于准备好和大家见面了。感谢在开发过程中提供无私帮助的贡献者们。


  1. 全新的渲染系统,大多数场合下都可以感知到流畅度提升,且特别针对重量级着色器优化
    • 实现了重复帧检测,当游戏画面静止时功耗将显著降低
    • 支持限制帧率 #657
    • 大幅提高光标的流畅度,在帧率较低时更加明显;光标延迟也显著降低
    • 不再支持垂直同步选项,该选项已经没有意义
  2. 原生 ARM64 支持 #308
  3. 优化了对窗口客户区域的检测,现在可以自动裁剪上边框 #864
  4. 优化了双线性插值下单色光标和彩色掩码光标的渲染效果 #855 #853
  5. 刷新了 UI 样式


  1. 大量 RAVU 和 NNEDI3 变体 (感谢 @hauuau) #806
  2. CuNNy 族,它们适合视觉小说风格画面,比 Anime4K 更擅长处理文本 (感谢 @cunnyplapper) #848
  3. Anime4K_Upscale_GAN_x3_L 和 Anime4K_Upscale_GAN_x2_M


  1. 修复光标移动到叠加层或其他窗口时有时会跳跃的问题 #866
  2. 修复 Win11 中捕获标题栏时错误裁剪的问题 #864


  1. 现在始终使用 Catmull-Rom 降采样,不再支持更改。
  2. 现在禁止缩放完整性级别更高的窗口。比如如果 Magpie 不是以管理员身份启动的,则无法缩放管理员身份的窗口 #867
  3. 更改了全局配置文件路径以避免混用两个版本时丢失设置项 #872

This preview version features a brand new rendering system that has been in development for quite some time #643, and is finally ready to be unveiled. We extend our gratitude to the contributors who generously assisted throughout the development process.

New Features

  1. A brand new rendering system, with noticeable improvements in fluidity in most scenarios, especially optimized for heavyweight shaders
    • Implemented frame duplication detection to reduce power consumption when the game screen is static
    • Support for frame rate limiting #657
    • Substantial improvement in cursor fluidity, particularly noticeable at lower frame rates; cursor latency also significantly reduced
    • Vsync option no longer supported, as it has become redundant
  2. Native ARM64 support #308
  3. Optimized detection of the window client area, now automatically cropping the top border #864
  4. Enhanced rendering effects for monochrome cursors and masked color cursors under bilinear interpolation #855 #853
  5. Refreshed UI style

New Effects

  1. A plethora of RAVU and NNEDI3 variants (thanks to @hauuau) #806.
  2. The CuNNy family, specialized for visual novel-style images, excelling in text handling compared to Anime4K (thanks to @cunnyplapper) #848
  3. Anime4K_Upscale_GAN_x3_L and Anime4K_Upscale_GAN_x2_M


  1. Fixed an issue where the cursor would sometimes jump when hovering the overlay or other windows #866
  2. Fixed incorrect cropping when capturing title bar in Win11 #864

Other Changes

  1. Catmull-Rom downscaling is now consistently used, with no further modifications supported
  2. Windows with higher integrity levels are now prohibited from being scaled. For example, if Magpie is not launched with administrator privileges, it cannot scale windows with administrator privileges #867
  3. Changed the global configuration file path to avoid losing settings when using two versions simultaneously #872

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