Recognizer SDK(1.6.4)
- Stability fixes and improvements
- Fixed a crash related to r8 removing the Emulators class from the classpath
- Deprecated metadata com.microblink.AutoConfiguration. If you manually initialize the SDK, please remove the auto-initialized provider.
<provider android:name="com.microblink.BlinkRecognizerProvider" android:authorities="${applicationId}.BlinkRecognizerProvider" tools:node="remove" />
- Fixed regressions with French receipts
- "1X" left in the RSD in two products with bogus "8" qty because of detached 'B'
- We fixed an issue with tagging totals related to coupons.
- We fixed an issue with certain receipts missing the last four digits of the credit card.
- We fixed an issue where Pet Supply Plus returned the incorrect date.
Barcode SDK(1.3.5)
- Stability fixes and improvements
Camera SDK(1.3.5)
- Stability fixes and improvements
Camera UI SDK(1.0.9)
- Stability fixes and improvements
Core SDK(1.3.5)
- Stability fixes and improvements
Digital SDK(1.3.3)
- Stability fixes and improvements
- Increase network timeout for Outlook integration
Earnings SDK(1.3.5)
- Stability fixes and improvements
Account Linking SDK(1.2.2)
- Stability fixes and improvements
- Force window size to default when initializing the account linking SDK.
- Added androidx data store (androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences)
- Added support to return the latest orders only
Surveys SDK(1.2.3)
- Stability fixes and improvements