github BlinkID/blinkid-android v5.10.0

latest releases: v6.8.0, v6.7.0, v6.6.1...
3 years ago


  • Newly supported identity documents

    • Saudi Arabia - DL (front)
    • Saudi Arabia - Resident ID (front)
  • We've introduced another variant of resetRecognitionState method that lets you reset the scanning process in different recognition stages:

  • If you’re using our Direct API, call RecognizerRunner.resetRecognitionState(false) to clear the scanning cache as well as results gathered in a specific recognition step, i.e. after scanning the back side of a document.

  • If you’re using our built-in UI to scan IDs from the camera stream, call RecognizerRunnerView.resetRecognitionState(false) to do the same.

Changes to the BlinkId(Combined)Recognizer:

  • We're now able to extract the additional address on Hungary Address Cards
  • We've improved data extraction through the MRZ:
    • We now return the document type through ClassInfo, regardless of the RecognitionMode you're using (MrzId, MrzPassport or MrzVisa).
    • This means you can now use ClassFilter to filter these documents by their type.
    • We now return the document number on Nigeria IDs complete with its check digit.
    • We now support Italy Residence Permits with a CR document code.
  • We've extended the ClassInfo structure with helper methods so you can filter documents by country more easily:
    • Use countryName, isoNumericCountryCode, isoAlpha2CountryCode and isoAlpha3CountryCode to get the full country names or their representative codes defined by ISO.
  • We've extended the BarcodeResult structure with extendedElements
    • You can find all data from AAMVA-compliant barcodes under their respective BarcodeElementKey in the BarcodeElements structure
    • For a full list of keys please see BarcodeElementKey enum
  • We've added another ProcessingStatus called AwaitingOtherSide
    • This status is triggered once BlinkID has finished with the first side of a document and expects the other side, too.
  • We're now able to extract the date of birth from the CURP field on Mexico Voter IDs
  • Direct API:
    • We've added a new recognition mode for recognizing still images of documents that have already been cropped:
      • Set the scanCroppedDocumentImage to true when you're feeding BlinkID images of documents that have already been cropped and don't require detection.
      • Keep in mind that this setting won't work on document images that haven't been properly cropped.

Changes to the IdBarcodeRecognizer:

  • We've extended the results with extendedElements
    • You can find all data from AAMVA-compliant barcodes under their respective BarcodeElementKey in the BarcodeElements structure
    • For a full list of keys please see BarcodeElementKey enum

Deprecated recognizers:

  • We've deprecated UsdlRecognizer. Please use IdBarcodeRecognizer instead.

Minor API changes

  • We've replaced Using time-limited license! warning with Using trial license! warning. The warning message is displayed when using a trial license key. To disable it, use MicroblinkSDK.setShowTrialLicenseWarning(false).
  • We’ve renamed MrtdDocumentType.MRTD_TYPE_IDENITY_CARD enum member to MrtdDocumentType.MRTD_TYPE_IDENTITY_CARD.


  • We've fixed the front-facing camera error on Oukitel WP8 Pro.
  • We've fixed a rare crash in BlinkIdOverlayController, which happened as a result of rapidly launching the scanning process multiple times in a row.

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