github Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc v0.22.2

latest releases: v0.29.5, v0.29.4, v0.29.3...
3 years ago

Bitcoin ABC version 0.22.2 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

  • New minerfund subfield of coinbasetxn in getblocktemplate to enable
    easy fetching of valid addresses for infrastructure funding.
  • Various UX improvements related to watch-only wallets and to the send coins dialog in bitcoin-qt.
  • Various stability and logging improvements to the wallet database and associated tools.

RPC changes

  • The gettransaction RPC now accepts a third (boolean) argument verbose. If
    set to true, a new decoded field will be added to the response containing
    the decoded transaction. This field is equivalent to RPC decoderawtransaction,
    or RPC getrawtransaction when verbose is passed.
  • pruneblockheight has been fixed to return the correct pruneheight.
  • Fixes to help texts for various RPCs.

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