github Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc v0.21.8

latest releases: v0.29.7, v0.29.6, v0.29.5...
4 years ago

Bitcoin ABC version 0.21.8 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

Updated RPCs

  • The getrawtransaction RPC no longer checks the unspent UTXO set for
    a transaction. The remaining behaviors are as follows: 1. If a
    blockhash is provided, check the corresponding block. 2. If no
    blockhash is provided, check the mempool. 3. If no blockhash is
    provided but txindex is enabled, also check txindex.
  • getaddressinfo now reports solvable, a boolean indicating whether
    all information necessary for signing is present in the wallet
    (ignoring private keys).
  • getaddressinfo, listunspent, and scantxoutset have a new output
    field desc, an output descriptor that encapsulates all signing information
    and key paths for the address (only available when solvable is true for
    getaddressinfo and listunspent).
  • The importmulti RPC will now contain a new per-request warnings
    field with strings that explain when fields are being ignored or
    inconsistent, if any.
  • Fixed a bug where listreceivedaddress would fail to take an address as a
  • The hdmasterkeyid return field has been removed from getaddressinfo and
    getwalletinfo. Use hdseedid instead.
  • Descriptors with key origin information imported through importmulti will
    have their key origin information stored in the wallet for use with creating
  • If bip32derivs of both walletprocesspsbt and walletcreatefundedpsbt is
    set to true but the key metadata for a public key has not been updated yet,
    then that key will have a derivation path as if it were just an independent
    key (i.e. no derivation path and its master fingerprint is itself)
  • The -maxtxfee setting no longer has any effect on non-wallet RPCs.
  • The sendrawtransaction and testmempoolaccept RPC methods previously
    accepted an allowhighfees parameter to fail the mempool acceptance in case
    the transaction's fee would exceed the value of the command line argument
    -maxtxfee. To uncouple the RPCs from the global option, they now have a
    hardcoded default for the maximum transaction fee, that can be changed for
    both RPCs on a per-call basis with the maxfeerate parameter. The
    allowhighfees boolean option has been removed and replaced by the
    maxfeerate numeric option.

Low-level RPC changes (primarily for testing)

  • The sendmany RPC had an argument minconf that was not well specified and
    would lead to RPC errors even when the wallet's coin selection would succeed.
    The sendtoaddress RPC never had this check, so to normalize the behavior,
    minconf is now ignored in sendmany. If the coin selection does not
    succeed due to missing coins, it will still throw an RPC error. Be reminded
    that coin selection is influenced by the -spendzeroconfchange,
    -limitancestorcount, -limitdescendantcount and -walletrejectlongchains
    command line arguments.

RPC importprivkey: new label behavior

Previously, importprivkey automatically added the default empty label
("") to all addresses associated with the imported private key. Now it
defaults to using any existing label for those addresses. For example:

  • Old behavior: you import a watch-only address with the label "cold
    wallet". Later, you import the corresponding private key using the
    default settings. The address's label is changed from "cold wallet"
    to "".

  • New behavior: you import a watch-only address with the label "cold
    wallet". Later, you import the corresponding private key using the
    default settings. The address's label remains "cold wallet".

In both the previous and current case, if you directly specify a label
during the import, that label will override whatever previous label the
addresses may have had. Also in both cases, if none of the addresses
previously had a label, they will still receive the default empty label
(""). Examples:

  • You import a watch-only address with the label "temporary". Later you
    import the corresponding private key with the label "final". The
    address's label will be changed to "final".

  • You use the default settings to import a private key for an address that
    was not previously in the wallet. Its addresses will receive the default
    empty label ("").

Descriptor import support

The importmulti RPC now supports importing of addresses from descriptors.
A desc parameter can be provided instead of the scriptPubKey in a request,
as well as an optional range for ranged descriptors to specify the start and
end of the range to import. More information about descriptors can be found

New RPC methods

  • deriveaddresses returns one or more addresses corresponding to an
    output descriptor.

Miscellaneous Wallet changes

  • The key metadata will need to be upgraded the first time that the HD seed is
    available. For unencrypted wallets this will occur on wallet loading. For
    encrypted wallets this will occur the first time the wallet is unlocked.

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