github BitBoxSwiss/bitbox02-firmware firmware/v9.7.0
v9.7.0 - Multi

latest releases: py-bitbox02-6.3.0, bootloader/v1.0.6, firmware/v9.18.0...
2 years ago

Release notes:

  • Display granular error codes when unlock fails unexpectedly
  • Remove RandomNumber API endpoint

Multi-edition only:

  • Allow mainnet keypaths (m/44'/60'/0'/0/*) Rinkeby and Ropsten, and testnet keypaths (m/44'/1'/0'/0/*) for Ethereum mainnet

Verify this release:

Please see the instructions here on how to reproduce this binary.

Alternatively, verify the signatures from the community to verify this build. See the instructions here on how to do so.

We welcome your signature confirming this build.

Verify the hash shown by the BitBox02:

The hash of the firmware as verified/shown by the BitBox02 at startup is:


See this documentation for more details about this hash.

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