github BitBoxSwiss/bitbox02-firmware firmware/v9.4.0
Release v9.4.0 - Multi

latest releases: simulator/v9.19.0-sim1.0.0, firmware-btc-only/v9.19.0, firmware/v9.19.0...
3 years ago

Release notes:

  • Protection against the nonce covert channel attack when signing Bitcoin/Litecoin transactions (antiklepto protocol).
  • Verifiable seed generation: when restoring from 24 recovery words, for the 24th word, show all 8 candidate words which result in a valid checksum.
  • Fix a rare touch issue resulting from failed calibration.
  • Better error reporting on secure chip setup failures.
  • Title fixed when entering the 21st, 22nd and 23rd recovery word (was 21th, 22th, 23th) before.

Verify this release:

Please see the instructions here on how to reproduce this binary.

Alternatively, verify the signatures from the community to verify this build. See the instructions here on how to do so.

We welcome your signature confirming this build.

Verify the hash shown by the BitBox02:

The hash of the firmware as verified/shown by the BitBox02 at startup is:


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