github Bin-Huang/chatbox Chatbox-v0.4.3
Chatbox v0.4.3

latest releases: v0.10.2, v0.10.1, v0.10.0...
18 months ago

This update includes the following content:

  1. The Chatbox Web Version (PC/mobile) has been released! Now you can use Chatbox directly on your PC or Mobile Browser.
    a. Try now🚀:
    b. In the web version, all your data will be stored locally in your browser and will not be sent to the server.
    c. The web version is currently in beta, so there may be some minor layout and interaction issues. We hope you can understand and provide feedback.
  2. Added a sidebar collapse button, now you can hide the sidebar (thanks to @liuzesen)
  3. Added input box shortcuts Cmd+I and Ctrl+I to help you type faster (thanks to @treemmett)
  4. Optimized the rendering performance of the input box
  5. Fixed some issues with clicking the conversation menu in the sidebar (thanks to @zhengzhou)
  6. Refactored the i18n part in the code (thanks to @Wolfsin)
  7. Fixed some minor interaction details (thanks to @yanCode)

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  1. Chatbox 网页版本(PC/手机) 已经发布啦,现在你可以直接在电脑、手机浏览器上使用 Chatbox!
    a. 体验地址🚀:
    b. 在网页版本中你的所有数据都会保存在浏览器本地中,不会发送到服务器上。
    c. 目前网页版本还在 beta 阶段,所以布局交互可能还有一些小问题,希望你能理解并多提宝贵意见。
  2. 新增侧栏折叠按钮,现在你可以隐藏侧栏了(感谢 @liuzesen
  3. 新增输入框快捷键 Cmd+ICtrl+I,使用快捷键让你更快输入(感谢 @treemmett
  4. 优化输入框的渲染性能
  5. 修复了侧栏中会话菜单点击的一些问题(感谢 @zhengzhou
  6. 在代码上重构了 i18n 的部分(感谢 @Wolfsin
  7. 修复了一些交互上的小细节(感谢 @yanCode

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