github Bin-Huang/chatbox Chatbox-v0.4.2
Chatbox v0.4.2

latest releases: v1.3.10, v1.3.9, v1.3.8...
14 months ago

截屏2023-05-07 19 45 14

This update includes the following contents:

  1. You can now set the model's "temperature" to make it behave more rigorously and meticulously, or more imaginatively. (Note that settings related to the model and tokens require some expertise; if you are not familiar with these, please use the default values)
  2. Fixed some UI display issues (Thanks to @Bmongo)


  1. 现在你可以设置模型的“温度”,可以让模型表现得更加严谨细致、或者更加想象丰富。(注意,模型和token相关的设置需要具备一定专业知识,如果你不了解这是什么,请尽量使用默认值)
  2. 修复了一些 UI 显示的问题(感谢 @Bmongo

See the assets to download this version and install.
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