github BiglySoftware/BiglyBT v2.1.0.0
Release v2.1.0.0

latest releases: v3.6.0.0, v3.5.0.0, v3.4.0.0...
5 years ago

Developer Blog posts are here:

FEATURE: Plug  | We now have a uTorrent/BitTorrent client migration plugin [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Tag   | Three tag view modes in tagging view with groups: Row, Column, Row-Compact [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Tag   | Drag of Tags or to Tags or to Tag Groups now supported in most places [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Tag   | F2 to rename tag when it has focus [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Tag   | Added peer client id to Peer Set criteria [Parg]
FEATURE: Tag   | New Peer Set client auto classifier mode [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Added 'boost' checkbox peers column, restructured menu [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Support more multi-torrent option setting in open-torrent-options [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Library view config import/export [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Classic UI option to never show Tag library views [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | OSX Dark Theme initial support [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Added search option to chat text [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Added collapse-all to Tag groups [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Peers view option to enable auto-Peer Set categorization [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Max-age and Min-seeds search filters for subscriptions [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Added 'show icons' menu to FilesView name item [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Implement 'and' library filter for spaces [Parg]
FEATURE: UI    | Added option to allow auto-assigned Tags in open-torrent-options to be subsequently modified [Parg]
FEATURE: Core  | Added last-active, downloading-for, date-added and date-completed to XML stats [Parg]
FEATURE: Core  | Added ability to revert files to original location via copy [Parg]
FEATURE: Core  | Reworked disk manager error handling to pick up 'no space' errors better [Parg]
FEATURE: Core  | Option to kick off a low-resource recheck of a seeding download [Parg]
FEATURE: Core  | Speed Limit Handler option to preserve existing limits across activation [Parg]
FEATURE: Core  | Added an aggressive hash checking mode [Parg]
FEATURE: Core  | Option to control max concurrent checking downloads [Parg]
FEATURE: Core  | Firewall test for IPv6 [Parg]

CHANGE: UI     | Vivaldi/XferStats/Swarm Explore: Make more Google Maps-like -> Fix mouse-scroll-to-zoom direction; Zoom to cursor [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI     | Sources (Trackers) View: Deleting via keyboard, toolbar, & content menu now use same prompt [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI     | Torrent and file piece graphic column now shown when torrent isn't running [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI     | Added Drag and Drop indicator when moving table columns around [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI     | Reduced IP Filter icons to fit library [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | Prevent progress window from making main window visible if configured [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | Maintain selection when switching between Files View table/tree mode [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | Tag settings moved to separate UI config panel [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | TagIcon column now shows download-state icons [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | My Torrents sidebar children now more deterministically ordered [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | 'show icon' config should affect sub-rows too [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | Show category buttons in Tag views [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | 'Already running' UI warning now allows user to wait for old instance to close [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | Open-torrent-options dialog now has minimum depth for file table and scrollable Tags [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | Categories now shown in open-torrent-options dialog and Tagging view [Parg]
CHANGE: UI     | Exclusive tag groups handled properly in open-torrent-options [Parg]
CHANGE: Tag    | Tag Visuals Overhaul. No more checkbox; Solid selected tags, unselected are border-only [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Tag    | Library header tags are no longer buttons [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Tag    | Better handling of tag coloring (text color vs tag color, tag color on similar bg color) [TuxPaper] 
CHANGE: Core   | Removed for IP lookup as no longer working [Parg]
CHANGE: Core   | Clear cached peers when changing networks [Parg]
CHANGE: Core   | Seed to Peer ratio now based on aggregate scrape data [Parg]
CHANGE: Core   | Update downloads will not be put into a stopped state on addition [Parg]
CHANGE: Core   | Keep oldest subscription result publication date [Parg]

BUGFIX: UI     | Progress, Actions (Search Results) columns using wrong color when "Start UI before Core Initialization" is OFF [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI     | Fix Tag Settings preventing max UL speed to be 0/unlimited, -1/disabled [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI     | Fix Files View row invalidation [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Fixed test-SOCKS button not working [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Fixed some SWT issues for SWT 4757 [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Inject explicit focus traversal on UI exit to pick up potential changes [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Fix some issues with table column setup dialog [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Prevent sound when hitting ctrl+x for regex filter [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Fix sources/tracker view updating toolbar when nothing selected [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Fix chat view styles no rendering sometimes [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Improve browser popup white/black-listing [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Bring back auto-speed 'adjustment interval' parameter [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Subscription view table config not being saved [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI     | Category sidebar indicators not updating properly [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Fixed search-for-existing-files failing on non-allocated downloads [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Subscription auto-download should take note of persistent filters [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Rechecking a completed torrent no longer updates completion date [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core   | Fix speed limiters for client-id based Peer Sets [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Fixed some long executing timer tasks [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Handle partial-buddies and LAN limits properly [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Fix renaming download on Windows when only case differs [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Make sure we fixup file links when renaming downloads [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Fixed re-download bug on stop-during-alloc/recheck [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core   | Make 'change data directory' work better with non-allocated downloads [Parg]
BUGFIX: Tag    | Fixed Tag constraint strings with escaped quotes like contains(name, "\""), hasTag("Foo\"Bar") [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Tag    | Bring back the display of Tag constraint errors [Parg]
BUGFIX: Tag    | Fix torrents being moved with Tag 'move on complete' when disabled [Parg]

Historical change logs can be found in prior releases.

The release installers come with the ability to migrate (copy) your Azureus/Vuze config, downloads, and plugins.

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