github BerriAI/litellm v1.40.15

latest releases: v1.40.27, v1.40.26, v1.40.25...
9 days ago

🚨Please wait for a stable release before upgrading your production version of LiteLLM πŸ‘‰ We refactored, to be less than 10K lines.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.40.14...v1.40.15

Docker Run LiteLLM Proxy

docker run \
-p 4000:4000 \

Don't want to maintain your internal proxy? get in touch πŸŽ‰

Hosted Proxy Alpha:

Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

Name Status Median Response Time (ms) Average Response Time (ms) Requests/s Failures/s Request Count Failure Count Min Response Time (ms) Max Response Time (ms)
/chat/completions Passed βœ… 120.0 132.58387302297749 6.398687111538595 0.0 1915 0 97.12711200000967 1186.0091809999744
Aggregated Passed βœ… 120.0 132.58387302297749 6.398687111538595 0.0 1915 0 97.12711200000967 1186.0091809999744

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