github BerriAI/litellm v1.35.36-dev2

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one month ago

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Full Changelog: 1.35.33.dev4...v1.35.36-dev2

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Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

Name Status Median Response Time (ms) Average Response Time (ms) Requests/s Failures/s Request Count Failure Count Min Response Time (ms) Max Response Time (ms)
/chat/completions Passed ✅ 41 43.09456797200015 1.6698929667670133 0.0 500 0 34.43404899996949 214.21879600001148
/health/liveliness Passed ✅ 25 28.224681616349365 15.443170156661338 0.006679571867068053 4624 2 23.087949000000663 1131.2702129999934
/health/readiness Passed ✅ 25 27.7633421125326 15.403092725458931 0.0 4612 0 23.193645000048946 1376.8194570000105
Aggregated Passed ✅ 25 28.769797206552926 32.51615584888728 0.006679571867068053 9736 2 23.087949000000663 1376.8194570000105

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