github BerriAI/litellm v1.35.21

latest releases: v1.40.15, v1.40.14.dev4, v1.40.14.dev1...
one month ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.35.20.dev2...v1.35.21

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Hosted Proxy Alpha:

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Hosted Proxy Alpha:

Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

Name Status Median Response Time (ms) Average Response Time (ms) Requests/s Failures/s Request Count Failure Count Min Response Time (ms) Max Response Time (ms)
/chat/completions Passed ✅ 58 64.9741058238994 1.5931582433810807 0.0 477 0 51.917337999952906 869.7110660000362
/health/liveliness Passed ✅ 41 44.58716365170725 15.554167587894534 0.006679908777279165 4657 2 38.56498999999758 1391.5798419999987
/health/readiness Passed ✅ 41 43.37650948992081 15.243551829751054 0.0 4564 0 38.630514000033145 1020.0773849999791
Aggregated Passed ✅ 41 45.02015455929064 32.39087766102667 0.006679908777279165 9698 2 38.56498999999758 1391.5798419999987

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