github BepInEx/BepInEx v5.4.16
BepInEx 5.4.16

latest releases: v5.4.23.1, v5.4.23, v5.4.22...
2 years ago

⚠️ BepInEx 5 now enters long term support (LTS) mode

BepInEx 5.4 is the last version of BepInEx 5 with major updates. Any BepInEx 5 releases starting version 5.4 will be minor and only contain fixes along with package version updates. Our main development focus now shifts to implementing BepInEx 6.

For developers: BepInEx 5 source code is now maintained on v5-lts branch. In turn master branch will start hosting BepInEx 6 source. All PRs regarding BepInEx 5 should be targeting that branch instead of master.


  • Fixed #303: when DumpAssemblies is enabled, dumped assemblies are now put to BepInEx/DumpedAssemblies/<ProcessName>. If assembly is in use (e.g. multiple game processes open), dumped assemblies will have a number postfix.
  • Game executable timestamp is not included in console title now (fixes issue with some window managers)
  • Updated HarmonyX to 2.5.5
  • Updated MonoMod.RuntimeDetour to

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