github BabylonJS/Babylon.js 6.48.0

latest releases: 7.13.1, 7.13.0, 7.12.0...
3 months ago


  • #14891: Add edit icon for NG meshes
  • #14890: Posterize nge
  • #14889: Update peer dependencies when new major is released
  • #14885: Add native device loss handle
  • #14868: fix cancel render loop
  • #14886: Mesh: Fix missing serialization for some properties
  • #14883: Update
  • #14882: Simplify worker code in local dependency scenarios
  • #14881: Relax AssetContainer heirarchy check to allow InstancedMesh parents
  • #3: Add Color tint support to Sprite and Layer
See More
  • #14864: Pointer selection for transient pointers
  • #14880: Disable Physics Sync for static/kinematic bodies
  • #14877: Save engine type when storing snippet
  • #14879: Changed Array Buffer View import to randomize name to avoid bad caching
  • #14878: WebGPU: Fix vertex buffer creation when byte offset is not a multiple of 4
  • #14875: Avoid recreating package-lock on version update
  • #14870: Better architecture of the UMD test project
  • #14858: fix: dispose subEmitters
  • #14873: Add back architecture specific nx packages to package-lock.json
  • #14872: Enable prettier ESLint plugin/rules and formatters and format on save
  • #14871: Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6
  • #14869: Include Draco and Basis in @babylonjs/core

This list of changes was auto generated.

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