github AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc 0.1

latest releases: 1.6.3, 1.6.2, 1.6.1...
7 years ago


  • Initial BUILD Preview Release of MSAL for ObjC!
  • The initial MSAL for ObjC preview only support iOS 9 and later. macOS support will later.
  • Support for native client token acquisition using MSALPublicClientApplication
  • Interactive auth support using SFSafariViewController
  • iOS Keychain token caching
  • Logging via registered callback in MSALLogger
  • Telemetry events via registered callback in MSALTelemetry

Important Note about the MSAL Preview

These libraries are suitable to use in a production environment. We provide the same production level support for these libraries as we do our current production libraries. During the preview we reserve the right to make changes to the API, cache format, and other mechanisms of this library without notice which you will be required to take along with bug fixes or feature improvements This may impact your application. For instance, a change to the cache format may impact your users, such as requiring them to sign in again and an API change may require you to update your code. When we provide our General Availability release later, we will require you to update your application to our General Availabilty version within six months to continue to get support.

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