- Fixed backwards compatibility issues between ADAL 2.1 beta and 1.2.x. NOTE: ADAL 2.1-beta.5 will not be able to read tokens cached from previous ADAL 2.1 betas.
- The NTLM sheet on Mac OS X is now created in code.
- Fixed an issue in the iOS UI that was causing the completion block to be hit multiple times.
- Renamed and renumbered all of the error codes to better categorize them in ADErrorCodes.h. Greatly reduced the amount of instances of a "Unknown" error code being returned.
- ADAL will now return AD_ERROR_UI_NOT_ON_MAIN_THREAD when the developer attempts an interactive flow when not on the main thread.
- ADAL will dispatch to the main thread if not already on it before launching UI (would happen in interactive flows when silent network auth was attempted first.)