github Azure/azure-storage-azcopy v10.11.0
AzCopy V10.11.0 Release

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3 years ago

Version 10.11.0

New features

  1. Improved performance for copying small blobs (with size less than 256MiB) with Put Blob from URL.
  2. Added mirror mode support in sync operation via mirror-mode flag. The new mode disables last-modified-time based comparisons and overwrites the conflicting files and blobs at the destination if this flag is set to true.
  3. Added flag disable-auto-decoding to avoid automatic decoding of URL-encoded illegal characters when uploading from Windows. These illegal characters could have encoded as a result of downloading them onto Windows which does not support them.
  4. Support custom mime type mapping via environment variable AZCOPY_CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.
  5. Output message on the CLI when AzCopy detects a proxy for each domain.
  6. Interpret DFS endpoints as Blob endpoint automatically when performing service-to-service copy.

Bug fixes

  1. Tolerate enumeration errors for Azure Files and not fail the entire job when a directory is deleted/modified during scanning.
  2. Log skipped transfers to the scanning log.
  3. Fixed pipe upload by adding missing fields such as Metadata, Blob Index Tags, Client Provided Key, Blob Access Tier, etc.
  4. Fixed issue of clean up for the benchmark command.

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