github Azure/azure-storage-azcopy v10.10.0
AzCopy V10.10.0 Release

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3 years ago

Version 10.10.0

New features

  1. Support sync for Local/Blob <-> Azure File.
  2. Download to temporary file path (.azDownload-[jobID]-[name]) before renaming to the original path.
  3. Support CPK by name and CPK by value.
  4. Offer knob to disable application logging (Syslog/Windows Event Log).
  5. Trust zonal DNS suffix for OAuth by default.
  6. Added include-directory-stub flag for the copy command, to allow copying of blobs with metadata of hdi_isfolder:true.
  7. Display more fields for the list command, please refer to the help message for example.
  8. Provide environment variable to set request try timeout, to allow faster retries.

Bug fixes

  1. Improve job progress updating mechanism to improve scalability for larger jobs.
  2. Time limit the container creation step, to avoid hanging and improve UX.
  3. Set SMB info/permission again after file upload and copy, to fully preserve the integrity of the permission string and last-write-time.
  4. Fixed module import problem for V10.

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