github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-servicebus_7.7.0

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2 years ago

7.7.0 (2022-06-07)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug to make AMQP exceptions retryable by default, if condition is not non-retryable, to ensure that InternalServerErrors are retried.

Features Added

  • The ServiceBusClient constructor now accepts optional custom_endpoint_address argument
    which allows for specifying a custom endpoint to use when communicating with the Service Bus service,
    and is useful when your network does not allow communicating to the standard Service Bus endpoint.
  • The ServiceBusClientconstructor now accepts optional connection_verify argument
    which allows for specifying the path to the custom CA_BUNDLE file of the SSL certificate which is used to authenticate
    the identity of the connection endpoint.

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