github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-servicebus_7.10.0b1

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pre-release17 months ago

7.10.0b1 (2023-04-13)

Features Added

  • A new boolean keyword argument uamqp_transport has been added to sync and async ServiceBusClient constructors which indicates whether to use the uamqp library or the default pure Python AMQP library as the underlying transport.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where sync and async ServiceBusAdministrationClient expected credential with get_token method returning AccessToken.token of type bytes and not str, now matching the documentation.
  • Fixed a bug where raw_amqp_message.header and message.header properties on ServiceReceivedBusMessage were returned with durable, first_acquirer, and priority properties set by default, rather than the values returned by the service.

Other Changes

  • The message attribute on ServiceBus/ServiceBusMessageBatch/ServiceBusReceivedMessage, which previously exposed the uamqp.Message/uamqp.BatchMessage, has been deprecated.
    • LegacyMessage/LegacyBatchMessage objects returned by the message attribute on ServiceBus/ServiceBusMessageBatch have been introduced to help facilitate the transition.
  • Removed uAMQP from required dependencies.
  • Adding uamqp >= 1.6.3 as an optional dependency for use with the uamqp_transport keyword.

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