github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-servicebus_7.0.0b6

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pre-release4 years ago

7.0.0b6 (2020-09-10)

New Features

  • renew_lock() now returns the UTC datetime that the lock is set to expire at.
  • receive_deferred_messages() can now take a single sequence number as well as a list of sequence numbers.
  • Messages can now be sent twice in succession.
  • Connection strings used with from_connection_string methods now support using the SharedAccessSignature key in leiu of sharedaccesskey and sharedaccesskeyname, taking the string of the properly constructed token as value.
  • Internal AMQP message properties (header, footer, annotations, properties, etc) are now exposed via Message.amqp_message

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed prefetch to prefetch_count.
  • Renamed ReceiveSettleMode enum to ReceiveMode, and respectively the mode parameter to receive_mode.
  • retry_total, retry_backoff_factor and retry_backoff_max are now defined at the ServiceBusClient level and inherited by senders and receivers created from it.
  • No longer export NEXT_AVAILABLE in azure.servicebus module. A null session_id will suffice.
  • Renamed parameter message_count to max_message_count as fewer messages may be present for method peek_messages() and receive_messages().
  • Renamed PeekMessage to PeekedMessage.
  • Renamed get_session_state() and set_session_state() to get_state() and set_state() accordingly.
  • Renamed parameter description to error_description for method dead_letter().
  • Renamed properties created_time and modified_time to created_at_utc and modified_at_utc within AuthorizationRule and NamespaceProperties.
  • Removed parameter requires_preprocessing from SqlRuleFilter and SqlRuleAction.
  • Removed property namespace_type from NamespaceProperties.
  • Rename ServiceBusManagementClient to ServiceBusAdministrationClient
  • Attempting to call send_messages on something not a Message, BatchMessage, or list of Messages, will now throw a TypeError instead of ValueError
  • Sending a message twice will no longer result in a MessageAlreadySettled exception.
  • ServiceBusClient.close() now closes spawned senders and receivers.
  • Attempting to initialize a sender or receiver with a different connection string entity and specified entity (e.g. queue_name) will result in an AuthenticationError
  • Remove is_anonymous_accessible from management entities.
  • Remove support_ordering from create_queue and QueueProperties
  • Remove enable_subscription_partitioning from create_topic and TopicProperties
  • get_dead_letter_[queue,subscription]_receiver() has been removed. To connect to a dead letter queue, utilize the sub_queue parameter of get_[queue,subscription]_receiver() provided with a value from the SubQueue enum
  • No longer export ServiceBusSharedKeyCredential
  • Rename entity_availability_status to availability_status

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