github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-servicebus_7.0.0b5

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pre-release3 years ago

7.0.0b5 (2020-08-10)

New Features

  • Added new properties to Message, PeekMessage and ReceivedMessage: content_type, correlation_id, label,
    message_id, reply_to, reply_to_session_id and to. Please refer to the docstring for further information.
  • Added new properties to PeekedMessaged and ReceivedMessage: enqueued_sequence_number, dead_letter_error_description,
    dead_letter_reason, dead_letter_source, delivery_count and expires_at_utc. Please refer to the docstring for further information.
  • Added support for sending received messages via ServiceBusSender.send_messages.
  • Added on_lock_renew_failure as a parameter to AutoLockRenew.register, taking a callback for when the lock is lost non-intentially (e.g. not via settling, shutdown, or autolockrenew duration completion).
  • Added new supported value types int, float, datetime and timedelta for
  • Added new properties parameters and requires_preprocessing to SqlRuleFilter and SqlRuleAction.
  • Added an explicit method to fetch the continuous receiving iterator, get_streaming_message_iter() such that max_wait_time can be specified as an override.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed/Renamed several properties and instance variables on Message (the changes applied to the inherited Message type PeekMessage and ReceivedMessage).
    • Renamed property user_properties to properties
      • The original instance variable properties which represents the AMQP properties now becomes an internal instance variable _amqp_properties.
    • Removed property enqueue_sequence_number.
    • Removed property annotations.
    • Removed instance variable header.
  • Removed several properties and instance variables on PeekMessage and ReceivedMessage.
    • Removed property partition_id on both type.
    • Removed property settled on both type.
    • Removed instance variable received_timestamp_utc on both type.
    • Removed property settled on PeekMessage.
    • Removed property expired on ReceivedMessage.
  • AutoLockRenew.sleep_time and AutoLockRenew.renew_period have been made internal as _sleep_time and _renew_period respectively, as it is not expected a user will have to interact with them.
  • AutoLockRenew.shutdown is now AutoLockRenew.close to normalize with other equivalent behaviors.
  • Renamed QueueDescription, TopicDescription, SubscriptionDescription and RuleDescription to QueueProperties, TopicProperties, SubscriptionProperties, and RuleProperties.
  • Renamed QueueRuntimeInfo, TopicRuntimeInfo, and SubscriptionRuntimeInfo to QueueRuntimeProperties, TopicRuntimeProperties, and SubscriptionRuntimeProperties.
  • Removed param queue from create_queue, topic from create_topic, subscription from create_subscription and rule from create_rule
    of ServiceBusManagementClient. Added param name to them and keyword arguments for queue properties, topic properties, subscription properties and rule properties.
  • Removed model class attributes related keyword arguments from update_queue and update_topic of ServiceBusManagementClient. This is to encourage utilizing the model class instance instead as returned from a create_*, list_* or get_* operation to ensure it is properly populated. Properties may still be modified.
  • Model classes QueueProperties, TopicProperties, SubscriptionProperties and RuleProperties require all arguments to be present for creation. This is to protect against lack of partial updates by requiring all properties to be specified.
  • Renamed idle_timeout in get_<queue/subscription>_receiver() to max_wait_time to normalize with naming elsewhere.
  • Updated uAMQP dependency to 1.2.10 such that the receiver does not shut down when generator times out, and can be received from again.

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