github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-servicebus_7.0.0b4

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pre-release3 years ago

7.0.0b4 (2020-07-06)

New Features

  • Added support for management of topics, subscriptions, and rules.
  • receive_messages() (formerly receive()) now supports receiving a batch of messages (max_batch_size > 1) without the need to set prefetch parameter during ServiceBusReceiver initialization.


  • Fixed bug where sync AutoLockRenew does not shutdown itself timely.
  • Fixed bug where async AutoLockRenew does not support context manager.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed receive(), peek() schedule() and send() to receive_messages(), peek_messages(), schedule_messages() and send_messages() to align with other service bus SDKs.
  • receive_messages() (formerly receive()) no longer raises a ValueError if max_batch_size is less than the prefetch parameter set during ServiceBusReceiver initialization.

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