github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-schemaregistry-avroencoder_1.0.0b2

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pre-release2 years ago

1.0.0b2 (2022-03-09)

Features Added

  • request_options has been added to encode and decode on AvroEncoder as an optional parameter to be passed into client requests.
  • The size of the current schema/schema ID caches will be logged at an info level when a new entry has been added.

Breaking Changes

  • MessageMetadataDict has been renamed MessageContent.
  • data in MessageContent has been renamed content.
  • The data parameter in encode and decode on the sync and async AvroEncoder has been renamed content.
  • The from_message_data method in the MessageType protocol has been renamed from_message_content. The data parameter in from_message_content has been renamed content.
  • The __message_data__ method in the MessageType protocol has been renamed __message_content__.

Other Changes

  • This beta release will be backward compatible for decoding data that was encoded with the AvroSerializer.
  • The encode and decode methods on AvroEncoder support the following message models:
    • azure.eventhub.EventData in azure-eventhub==5.9.0b2

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