0.4.0 (2021-02-18)
- Model StorageTarget has a new parameter system_data
- Model StorageTarget has a new parameter location
- Model ApiOperationDisplay has a new parameter description
- Model NamespaceJunction has a new parameter nfs_access_policy
- Model ApiOperation has a new parameter service_specification
- Model ApiOperation has a new parameter is_data_action
- Model ApiOperation has a new parameter origin
- Model Cache has a new parameter system_data
- Model Cache has a new parameter directory_services_settings
- Model StorageTargetResource has a new parameter system_data
- Model StorageTargetResource has a new parameter location
- Added operation CachesOperations.debug_info
- Added operation group AscOperations
Breaking changes - Parameter target_type of model Nfs3TargetProperties is now required
- Parameter target_type of model UnknownTargetProperties is now required
- Parameter target_type of model StorageTargetProperties is now required
- Parameter target_type of model ClfsTargetProperties is now required
- Model Nfs3TargetProperties no longer has parameter target_base_type
- Model StorageTarget no longer has parameter target_type
- Model UnknownTargetProperties no longer has parameter target_base_type
- Model StorageTargetProperties no longer has parameter target_base_type
- Model ClfsTargetProperties no longer has parameter target_base_type
- Model CacheSecuritySettings has a new signature