github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-keyvault-certificates_4.0.0b3

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pre-release4 years ago

4.0.0b3 (2019-09-11)

Version 4.0.0b3 is the first preview of our efforts to create a user-friendly and Pythonic client library for Azure Key Vault.
For more information about preview releases of other Azure SDK libraries, please visit

This library is not a direct replacement for azure-keyvault. Applications
using that library would require code changes to use azure-keyvault-certificates.
This package's
demonstrate the new API.

Breaking changes from azure-keyvault:

  • Packages scoped by functionality
    • azure-keyvault-certificates contains a client for certificate operations
  • Client instances are scoped to vaults (an instance interacts with one vault
  • Authentication using azure-identity credentials

New Features:

  • Distributed tracing framework OpenCensus is now supported
  • Asynchronous API supported on Python 3.5.3+
    • the azure.keyvault.certificates.aio namespace contains an async equivalent of
      the synchronous client in azure.keyvault.certificates
    • Async clients use aiohttp for transport
      by default. See azure-core documentation
      for more information about using other transports.

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