github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-keyvault-administration_4.0.0b3

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pre-release3 years ago

4.0.0b3 (2021-02-09)


  • KeyVaultAccessControlClient supports managing custom role definitions

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed KeyVaultBackupClient.begin_full_backup() to .begin_backup()
  • Renamed KeyVaultBackupClient.begin_full_restore() to .begin_restore()
  • Renamed BackupOperation.azure_storage_blob_container_uri to .folder_url
  • Renamed id property of BackupOperation, RestoreOperation, and
    SelectiveKeyRestoreOperation to job_id
  • Renamed blob_storage_uri parameters of KeyVaultBackupClient.begin_restore()
    and .begin_selective_restore() to folder_url
  • Removed redundant folder_name parameter from
    KeyVaultBackupClient.begin_restore() and .begin_selective_restore() (the
    folder_url parameter contains the folder name)
  • Renamed KeyVaultPermission attributes:
    • actions -> allowed_actions
    • data_actions -> allowed_data_actions
    • not_actions -> denied_actions
    • not_data_actions -> denied_data_actions
  • Renamed KeyVaultRoleAssignment.assignment_id to .role_assignment_id
  • Renamed KeyVaultRoleScope enum values:
    • global_value -> GLOBAL
    • keys_value -> KEYS

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