github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-identity_1.11.0

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21 months ago

1.11.0 (2022-09-19)

Features Added

  • Added additionally_allowed_tenants to the following credential options to force explicit opt-in behavior for multi-tenant authentication:
    • AuthorizationCodeCredential
    • AzureCliCredential
    • AzurePowerShellCredential
    • CertificateCredential
    • ClientAssertionCredential
    • ClientSecretCredential
    • DefaultAzureCredential
    • OnBehalfOfCredential
    • UsernamePasswordCredential
    • VisualStudioCodeCredential

Breaking Changes

  • Credential types supporting multi-tenant authentication will now throw ClientAuthenticationError if the requested tenant ID doesn't match the credential's tenant ID, and is not included in additionally_allowed_tenants. Applications must now explicitly add additional tenants to the additionally_allowed_tenants list, or add '*' to list, to enable acquiring tokens from tenants other than the originally specified tenant ID.

More information on this change and the consideration behind it can be found here.

  • These beta features in 1.11.0b3 have been removed from this release and will be added back in 1.12.0b1
    • tenant_id for AzureCliCredential
    • removed VisualStudioCodeCredential from DefaultAzureCredential token chain
    • AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD support for EnvironmentCredential
    • validate_authority support

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