github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-eventhub_5.4.0b1

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pre-release3 years ago

5.4.0b1 (2021-03-09)

This version and all future versions will require Python 2.7 or Python 3.6+, Python 3.5 is no longer supported.

New Features

  • Added support for idempotent publishing which is supported by the service to endeavor to reduce the number of duplicate
    events that are published.
    • EventHubProducerClient constructor accepts two new parameters for idempotent publishing:
      • enable_idempotent_partitions: A boolean value to tell the EventHubProducerClient whether to enable idempotency.
      • partition_config: The set of configurations that can be specified to influence publishing behavior
        specific to the configured Event Hub partition.
    • Introduced a new method get_partition_publishing_properties on EventHubProducerClient to inspect the information
      about the state of publishing for a partition.
    • Introduced a new property published_sequence_number on EventData to get the publishing sequence number assigned
      to the event at the time it was successfully published.
    • Introduced a new property starting_published_sequence_number on EventDataBatch to get the publishing sequence
      number assigned to the first event in the batch at the time the batch was successfully published.
    • Introduced a new class azure.eventhub.PartitionPublishingConfiguration which is a set of configurations that can be
      specified to influence the behavior when publishing directly to an Event Hub partition.


  • Updated uAMQP dependency to 1.2.15.

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