github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-eventgrid_2.0.0b5

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pre-release3 years ago

2.0.0b5 (2021-02-10)

Breaking Changes

  • EventGridSharedAccessSignatureCredential is deprecated in favor of AzureSasCredential.
  • azure.eventgrid.models namespace along with all the models in it are now removed. azure.eventgrid.SystemEventNames can be used to get the event model type mapping.
  • topic_hostname is renamed to endpoint in the EventGridPublisherClient.
  • azure.eventgrid.generate_shared_access_signature method is now renamed to generate_sas.
  • EventGridConsumeris now removed. Please see the samples to see how events can be deserialized.
  • CustomEvent model is removed. Dictionaries must be used to send a custom schema.

Bug Fixes

  • EventGridEvent has two additional required positional parameters namely, data and data_version.
  • EventGridPublisherClient now appropriately throws a ValueError if an invalid credential is passed during initialization.

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