github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-digitaltwins-core_1.1.0

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3 years ago

1.1.0 (2020-11-24)

  • The is the GA release containing the following changes:

API updates

  • Added etag and match_condition parameters to upsert_digital_twin and upsert_relationship APIs to support conditional operation.
  • Renamed EventRoute model to DigitalTwinsEventRoute.
  • Removed unsed azure.digitaltwins.core.QueryResult object.
  • Renamed the component_path to component_name
  • Renamed the payload parameter to telemetry and made message_id a keyword-only parameter.

Bug Fixes

  • The relationship parameter in DigitalTwinsClient.upsert_relationship is required and has been amended accordingly.
  • The json_patch parameter in DigitalTwinsClient.update_relationship is required and has been amended accordingly.
  • Renamed models parameter to dtdl_models in DigitalTwinsClient.create_models. This is now required.
  • The dependencies_for parameter in DigitalTwinsClient.list_models is optional and has been amended accordingly.
  • Match condition parameters have been fixed. Where invalid match conditions are supplied, a ValueError will be raised.
  • Fixed double await on async listing operations.


  • User Agent value updated according to guidelines.
  • Updated JSON patch parameter typehints to List[Dict[str, object]].
  • Updated constructor credential typehint to azure.core.credentials.TokenCredential
  • Samples and documentation updated.

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