github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-data-tables_12.2.0

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2 years ago

12.2.0 (2021-11-10)

Warning This release involves a bug fix that may change the behaviour for some users. Partition and Row keys that contain a single quote character (') will now be automatically escaped for upsert, update and delete entity operations. Partition and Row keys that were already escaped, or contained duplicate single quote char ('') will now be treated as unescaped values.

Bugs Fixed

  • Resolved bug where strings couldn't be used instead of enum value for entity Update Mode (#20247).
  • Resolved bug where single quote characters in Partition and Row keys were not escaped correctly (#20301).

Features Added

  • Added support for async iterators in `aio.TableClient.submit_transaction (#21083, thank you yashbhutoria).

Other Changes

  • Bumped dependency on msrest to >=0.6.21

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