github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-core_1.20.0

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2 years ago

1.20.0 (2021-11-04)

Features Added

  • GA send_request onto the azure.core.PipelineClient and azure.core.AsyncPipelineClient. This method takes in
    requests and sends them through our pipelines.
  • GA is our new public simple HTTP library in azure.core that users will use to create requests, and consume responses.
  • GA errors StreamConsumedError, StreamClosedError, and ResponseNotReadError to azure.core.exceptions. These errors
    are thrown if you mishandle streamed responses from the module
  • add kwargs to the methods for iter_raw and iter_bytes #21529
  • no longer raise JSON errors if users pass in file descriptors of JSON to the json kwarg in HttpRequest #21504
  • Added new error type IncompleteReadError which is raised if peer closes the connection before we have received the complete message body.

Breaking Changes

  • SansIOHTTPPolicy.on_exception returns None instead of bool.

Bugs Fixed

  • The Content-Length header in a http response is strictly checked against the actual number of bytes in the body,
    rather than silently truncating data in case the underlying tcp connection is closed prematurely.
    (thanks to @jochen-ott-by for the contribution) #20412
  • UnboundLocalError when SansIOHTTPPolicy handles an exception #15222
  • Add default content type header of text/plain and content length header for users who pass unicode strings to the content kwarg of HttpRequest in 2.7 #21550

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