github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-ai-textanalytics_5.1.0b2

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pre-release3 years ago

5.1.0b2 (2020-10-06)

Breaking changes

  • Removed property length from CategorizedEntity, SentenceSentiment, LinkedEntityMatch, AspectSentiment, OpinionSentiment, and PiiEntity.
    To get the length of the text in these models, just call len() on the text property.
  • When a parameter or endpoint is not compatible with the API version you specify, we will now return a ValueError instead of a NotImplementedError.
  • Client side validation of input is now disabled by default. This means there will be no ValidationErrors thrown by the client SDK in the case of malformed input. The error will now be thrown by the service through an HttpResponseError.

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