github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-ai-textanalytics_5.1.0

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2 years ago

5.1.0 (2021-07-07)

This version of the SDK defaults to the latest supported API version, which currently is v3.1.
Includes all changes from 5.1.0b1 to 5.1.0b7.

Note: this version will be the last to officially support Python 3.5, future versions will require Python 2.7 or Python 3.6+.

Features Added

  • Added catagories_filter to RecognizePiiEntitiesAction
  • Added HealthcareEntityCategory
  • Added AAD support for the begin_analyze_healthcare_entities methods.

Breaking Changes

  • Changed: the response structure of being_analyze_actions. Now, we return a list of results, where each result is a list of the action results for the document, in the order the documents and actions were passed.
  • Changed: begin_analyze_actions now accepts a single action per type. A ValueError is raised if duplicate actions are passed.
  • Removed: AnalyzeActionsType
  • Removed: AnalyzeActionsResult
  • Removed: AnalyzeActionsError
  • Removed: HealthcareEntityRelationRoleType
  • Changed: renamed HealthcareEntityRelationType to HealthcareEntityRelation
  • Changed: renamed PiiEntityCategoryType to PiiEntityCategory
  • Changed: renamed PiiEntityDomainType to PiiEntityDomain

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