1.1.0 (2022-11-07)
Features Added
- Registry list operation now accepts scope value to allow subscription-only based requests.
- Most configuration classes from the entity package now implement the standard mapping protocol.
- Add registry delete operation.
- The values of JobService.job_service_type are now using the snake case. e.g jupyter_lab, ssh, tensor_board, vs_code.
- Command function now accepts services param of type Dict[str, JobService] instead of dict.
Breaking Changes
Bugs Fixed
- MLClient.from_config can now find the default config.json on Compute Instance when running sample notebooks.
- Registries now assign managed tags to match registry's tags.
- Adjust registry experimental tags and imports to avoid warning printouts for unrelated operations.
- Make registry delete operation return an LROPoller, and change name to begin_delete.
- Prevent registering an already existing environment that references conda file.