github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-ai-formrecognizer_3.0.0b1

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pre-release3 years ago

3.0.0b1 (2020-08-11)

The version of this package now targets the service's v2.0 API.

Breaking Changes

  • Client library version bumped to 3.0.0b1
  • Values are now capitalized for enums FormContentType, LengthUnit, TrainingStatus, and CustomFormModelStatus
  • document_name renamed to name on TrainingDocumentInfo
  • Keyword argument include_sub_folders renamed to include_subfolders on begin_training methods

New features

  • FormField now has attribute value_type which contains the semantic data type of the field value. The options for
    value_type are described in the enum FieldValueType

Fixes and improvements

  • Fixes a bug where error code and message weren't being returned on HttpResponseError if operation failed during polling
  • FormField property value_data is now set to None if no values are returned on its FieldData.
    Previously value_data returned a FieldData with all its attributes set to None in the above case.

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