github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-ai-formrecognizer_1.0.0b3

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pre-release4 years ago

1.0.0b3 (2020-06-10)

Breaking Changes

  • All asynchronous long running operation methods now return an instance of an AsyncLROPoller from azure-core
  • All asynchronous long running operation methods are renamed with the begin_ prefix to indicate that an AsyncLROPoller is returned:
    • train_model is renamed to begin_training
    • recognize_receipts is renamed to begin_recognize_receipts
    • recognize_receipts_from_url is renamed to begin_recognize_receipts_from_url
    • recognize_content is renamed to begin_recognize_content
    • recognize_content_from_url is renamed to begin_recognize_content_from_url
    • recognize_custom_forms is renamed to begin_recognize_custom_forms
    • recognize_custom_forms_from_url is renamed to begin_recognize_custom_forms_from_url
  • Sync method begin_train_model renamed to begin_training
  • training_files parameter of begin_training is renamed to training_files_url
  • use_labels parameter of begin_training is renamed to use_training_labels
  • list_model_infos method has been renamed to list_custom_models
  • Removed get_form_training_client from FormRecognizerClient
  • Added get_form_recognizer_client to FormTrainingClient
  • A HttpResponseError is now raised if a model with status=="invalid" is returned from the begin_training methods
  • PageRange is renamed to FormPageRange
  • first_page and last_page renamed to first_page_number and last_page_number, respectively on FormPageRange
  • FormField does not have a page_number
  • use_training_labels is now a required positional param in the begin_training APIs
  • stream and url parameters found on methods for FormRecognizerClient have been renamed to form and form_url, respectively
  • For begin_recognize_receipt methods, parameters have been renamed to receipt and receipt_url
  • created_on and last_modified are renamed to requested_on and completed_on in the
    CustomFormModel and CustomFormModelInfo models
  • models property of CustomFormModel is renamed to submodels
  • CustomFormSubModel is renamed to CustomFormSubmodel
  • begin_recognize_receipts APIs now return a list of RecognizedReceipt instead of USReceipt
  • Removed USReceipt. To see how to deal with the return value of begin_recognize_receipts, see the recognize receipt samples in the samples directory for details.
  • Removed USReceiptItem. To see how to access the individual items on a receipt, see the recognize receipt samples in the samples directory for details.
  • Removed USReceiptType and the receipt_type property from RecognizedReceipt. See the recognize receipt samples in the samples directory for details.

New features

  • Support to copy a custom model from one Form Recognizer resource to another
  • Authentication using azure-identity credentials now supported
  • page_number attribute has been added to FormTable
  • All long running operation methods now accept the keyword argument continuation_token to restart the poller from a saved state

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