github Azure/azure-sdk-for-python azure-agrifood-farming_1.0.0b2

pre-release19 months ago

1.0.0b2 (2023-02-23)

Features Added

  • Adding clients for Sensor Integration which includes crud operations on DeviceDataModels, Devices, SensorDataModels, Sensors, SensorMappings, SensorPartnerIntegration and get Sensor events.
  • Adding new APIs for STAC search and get feature
  • Adding breedingMethods and Measurements as part of Crop Entity
  • Adding geographicIdentifier as part of Season Entity
  • Adding trait, relativeMeasurements and treatments as part of CropVariety Entity
  • Adding type, crs, centroid and bbox(bounding box of the geometry) as part of Boundary Entity
  • Adding Source field in Farmer, Farm, Field, Seasonal Field, Boundary, Crop, Crop variety, Season and Attachment
  • CreatedBy and ModifiedBy in all entities
  • Measure renamed to measurements in Prescription & Crop
  • Acreage renamed to area in Boundary
  • Get Feature and Search Feature APIs for Sentinel 2 L2A and Sentinel 2 L1C STAC collections
  • Adding Weather Data APIs to fetch IBM weather data

Breaking Changes

  • Removing primaryBoundaryId & boundaryIds from Field and Seasonal Field
  • Removing isPrimary flag from Boundary
  • Removing avgYields from Seasonal Field
  • Renaming Farmer to Party
  • Renaming CropVariety to CropProduct
  • Updated dependency from azure-core<2.0.0,>=1.2.2 to azure-core<2.0.0,>=1.24.0

Other Changes

  • Python 2.7 is no longer supported. Please use Python version 3.6 or later.

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